====================== Images file format 1.0 ====================== images.json files provide details about images included in composes. File Format =========== Compose images metadata is stored as a JSON serialized dictionary. It's recommended to sort keys alphabetically and use 4 spaces for indentation in order to read and diff images.json files easily. :: { "header": { "version": "1.0" # metadata version; format: $major.$minor }, "payload": { "compose": { # see composeinfo for details "date": , "id": , "respin": , "type": }, "images": { variant_uid: { # compose variant UID arch: [ # compose variant arch { "arch": , # image arch "bootable": , # can the image be booted? "checksums": { type: # }, "disc_count": , # number of discs in media set "disc_number": , # disc number "format": , # see productmd.images.SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS "implant_md5": , # md5 checksum implanted directly on media (see implantisomd5 and checkisomd5 commands) "mtime": , # mtime of the image stored as a decimal unix timestamp "path": , # relative path to the image "size": , # file size of the image "type": , # see productmd.images.SUPPORTED_IMAGE_TYPES "volume_id": # volume ID; null if not available/applicable } ] } } } }