Treeinfo file format 1.0

Treeinfo files provide details about installable trees in Fedora composes and media.

File Format

Treeinfo is an INI file. It’s recommended to sort sections and keys alphabetically in order to diff .treeinfo files easily.

version = 1.0                         ; metadata version; format: $major<int>.$minor<int>

name = <str>                          ; release name, for example: "Fedora", "Red Hat Enterprise Linux", "Spacewalk"
short = <str>                         ; release short name, for example: "F", "RHEL", "Spacewalk"
version = <str>                       ; release version, for example: "21", "7.0", "2.1"
is_layered = <bool=False>             ; typically False for an operating system, True otherwise

name = <str>                          ; base product name, for example: "Fedora", "Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
short = <str>                         ; base product short name, for example: "F", "RHEL"
version = <str>                       ; base product *major* version, for example: "21", "7"

arch = <str>                          ; tree architecture, for example x86_64
build_timestamp = <int|float>         ; tree build time timestamp; format: unix time
platforms = <str>[, <str> ...]        ; supported platforms; for example x86_64,xen
variants = <str>[, <str> ...]         ; UIDs of available variants, for example "Server,Workstation"

; checksums of selected files in a tree:
; * all repodata/repomd.xml
; * all images captured in [images-*] and [stage2] sections
$path = $checksum_type<str>:checksum_value<str>

; images compatible with particular $platform
$file_name = $relative_path<str>

; optional section, available only on bootable media with Anaconda installer
instimage = <str>                     ; relative path to Anaconda instimage (obsolete)
mainimage = <str>                     ; relative path to Anaconda stage2 image

; optional section, available only on media
discnum = <int>                       ; disc number
totaldiscs = <int>                    ; number of discs in media set

id = <str>                            ; variant ID
uid = <str>                           ; variant UID ($parent_UID.$ID)
name = <str>                          ; variant name
type = <str>                          ; variant, optional
variants = <str>[,<str>...]           ; UIDs of child variants
addons = <str>[,<str>...]             ; UIDs of child addons

; variant paths
; all paths are relative to .treeinfo location
packages = <str>                      ; directory with binary RPMs
repository = <str>                    ; YUM repository with binary RPMs
source_packages = <str>               ; directory with source RPMs
source_repository = <str>             ; YUM repository with source RPMs
debug_packages = <str>                ; directory with debug RPMs
debug_repository = <str>              ; YUM repository with debug RPMs
identity = <str>                      ; path to a pem file that identifies a product

id = <str>                            ; addon ID
uid = <str>                           ; addon UID ($parent_UID.$ID)
name = <str>                          ; addon name
type = addon

; addon paths
; see variant paths

; WARNING.0 = This section provides compatibility with pre-productmd treeinfos.
; WARNING.1 = Read productmd documentation for details about new format.
family = <str>                        ; equal to [release]/name
version = <str>                       ; equal to [release]/version
name = <str>                          ; equal to "$family $version"
arch = <str>                          ; equal to [tree]/arch
platforms = <str>[,<str>...]          ; equal to [tree]/platforms
packagedir = <str>                    ; equal to [variant-*]/packages
repository = <str>                    ; equal to [variant-*]/repository
timestamp = <int>                     ; equal to [tree]/build_timestamp
variant = <str>                       ; variant UID of first variant (sorted alphabetically)


Fedora 21 Server.x86_64 .treinfo converted to 1.0 format:

images/boot.iso = sha256:56af126a50c227d779a200b414f68ea7bcf58e21c8035500cd21ba164f85b9b4
images/efiboot.img = sha256:de48c8b25f03861c00c355ccf78108159f1f2aa63d0d63f92815146c24f60164
images/macboot.img = sha256:da76ff5490b4ae7e123f19b8f4b36efd6b7c435073551978d50c5181852a87f5
images/product.img = sha256:ffce14a7a95be20b36f302cb0698be8c19fda798807d3d63a491d6f7c1b23b5b
images/pxeboot/initrd.img = sha256:aadebd07c4c0f19304f0df7535a8f4218e5141602f95adec08ad1e22ff1e2d43
images/pxeboot/upgrade.img = sha256:224d098fb3903583b491692c5e0e1d20ea840d51f4da671ced97d422402bbf1c
images/pxeboot/vmlinuz = sha256:81c28a439f1d23786057d3b57db66e00b2b1a39b64d54de1a90cf2617e53c986
repodata/repomd.xml = sha256:3af1609aa27949bf1e02e9204a7d4da7efee470063dadbc3ea0be3ef7f1f4d14

arch = x86_64
family = Fedora
name = Fedora 21
packagedir = Packages
platforms = x86_64,xen
repository = .
timestamp = 1417653911
variant = Server
version = 21

version = 1.0

boot.iso = images/boot.iso
initrd = images/pxeboot/initrd.img
kernel = images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
upgrade = images/pxeboot/upgrade.img

initrd = images/pxeboot/initrd.img
kernel = images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
upgrade = images/pxeboot/upgrade.img

name = Fedora
short = Fedora
version = 21

mainimage = LiveOS/squashfs.img

arch = x86_64
build_timestamp = 1417653911
platforms = x86_64,xen
variants = Server

id = Server
name = Server
packages = Packages
repository = .
type = variant
uid = Server

Original Fedora 21 Server.x86_64 .treinfo file (before conversion):

name = Fedora-Server-21
family = Fedora-Server
timestamp = 1417653911.68
variant = Server
version = 21
packagedir =
arch = x86_64

mainimage = LiveOS/squashfs.img

kernel = images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
initrd = images/pxeboot/initrd.img
upgrade = images/pxeboot/upgrade.img
boot.iso = images/boot.iso

kernel = images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
initrd = images/pxeboot/initrd.img
upgrade = images/pxeboot/upgrade.img

images/efiboot.img = sha256:de48c8b25f03861c00c355ccf78108159f1f2aa63d0d63f92815146c24f60164
images/macboot.img = sha256:da76ff5490b4ae7e123f19b8f4b36efd6b7c435073551978d50c5181852a87f5
images/product.img = sha256:ffce14a7a95be20b36f302cb0698be8c19fda798807d3d63a491d6f7c1b23b5b
images/boot.iso = sha256:56af126a50c227d779a200b414f68ea7bcf58e21c8035500cd21ba164f85b9b4
images/pxeboot/vmlinuz = sha256:81c28a439f1d23786057d3b57db66e00b2b1a39b64d54de1a90cf2617e53c986
images/pxeboot/initrd.img = sha256:aadebd07c4c0f19304f0df7535a8f4218e5141602f95adec08ad1e22ff1e2d43
images/pxeboot/upgrade.img = sha256:224d098fb3903583b491692c5e0e1d20ea840d51f4da671ced97d422402bbf1c
repodata/repomd.xml = sha256:3af1609aa27949bf1e02e9204a7d4da7efee470063dadbc3ea0be3ef7f1f4d14

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