Development Guide

This document contains useful info for developers contributing to the exodus-gw project.

Running exodus-gw services with tox

A development instance of the exodus-gw service may be run locally using tox. Commands are provided for running both the API and background worker components of exodus-gw:

# runs uvicorn with hot reload
tox -e dev-server

# runs dramatiq worker with hot reload
tox -e dev-worker

The services will use exodus-gw.ini from the source directory for configuration, along with any EXODUS_GW_* environment variables, as described in Deployment Guide.

Note that tox will not start or manage any dependencies of exodus-gw. A more complete development environment can be provided using systemd units, as described below.

Systemd-based development environment

A systemd-based development environment is offered which allows running an instance of exodus-gw along with its dependencies, via systemd user units. This may be used as a lightweight alternative to running a complete instance of the service in Kubernetes/OpenShift.

This development environment includes:

  • exodus-gw uvicorn server (http)

  • sidecar proxy container (https) (optional)

  • exodus-gw dramatiq worker, for background tasks

  • postgres container

  • localstack container

  • exodus-lambda fakefront server (optional)

  • helpers for managing development certs

Note: the sidecar proxy is only enabled when you instantiate the environment from within Red Hat’s network. Otherwise, the service will only be available via http.


  • The dev env is designed for use on currently supported versions of Fedora Workstation.

  • Your login sessions must make use of a systemd user manager.

  • You may need to install some packages. If so, the install script will list the needed packages for you.

  • If you want exodus-lambda fakefront to be enabled, you must have a copy of the exodus-lambda sources checked out as a sibling of the exodus-gw repository.


In the exodus-gw repo, run:


If you’re missing any needed packages, the script may suggest some dnf install commands for you to run.

If installation succeeds, various systemd user units will be installed and set as dependencies of a new exodus-gw target. The script will also output a few example commands to get you started with using the dev env.


If you want to remove the dev env, run:


This will stop any running services and remove the installed systemd user units.

If you also want to erase any persistent state used by the dev env (such as any changes written to the DB and localstack), run:



If you need to adjust the configuration of the development environment, such as using custom ports for services to avoid conflicts, you can edit the environment file at $HOME/.config/exodus-gw-dev/.env.

For example, if you need to run the development postgres server using a different port, you may add to this file:

# use this port for postgres rather than default

The development environment installation process will generate a template file with the most useful environment variables listed.

Cheat sheet

Various example commands are listed here which may be useful when working with the development environment.



systemctl --user start

Start all development services

journalctl --user '--unit=exodus-*' -f

Watch logs of all services

sudo cp ~/.config/exodus-gw-dev/ca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/exodus-gw-dev.crt

sudo update-ca-trust

Trust development CA certificate.

It is strongly recommended to ensure that HTTPS is used during development rather than HTTP, and without disabling SSL verification. There are significant changes to behavior in boto libraries when using HTTPS vs HTTP.

curl http://localhost:8000/healthcheck

Sanity check for exodus-gw (http)

curl https://localhost:8010/healthcheck

Sanity check for exodus-gw (https).

This should not require --insecure or other means of disabling SSL verification.

curl http://localhost:8000/healthcheck-worker

Sanity check for background worker

curl --cert my.crt --key my.key https://localhost:8010/whoami

Sanity check of an exodus-gw endpoint using authentication.

If using the sidecar proxy provided on Red Hat’s internal network, this requires you to have a valid certificate and key produced by RHCS. The method of obtaining these is beyond the scope of this documentation.

curl https://localhost:3377

Sanity check for localstack

curl -I http://localhost:8049/_/cookie/test

Sanity check for fakefront; should give a 302 response, and does not require any content to be loaded in the environment.


Create resources in localstack.

The localstack environment is initially empty, which will make it impossible to upload any objects. For upload to work with exodus-gw, you’ll want to create buckets and DynamoDB tables matching the info in exodus-gw.ini. This script will create those resources.

The script uses defaults which are only appropriate for the test environment defined in the repo’s exodus-gw.ini. Check the other localstack-*-init scripts if you need to create buckets/tables with other names.

env AWS_PROFILE=test aws --endpoint-url=https://localhost:3377 s3 ls s3://my-bucket

List files in localstack s3 bucket.

Can be used to check the outcome of an upload.

env AWS_PROFILE=test aws --endpoint-url=https://localhost:3377 dynamodb scan --table-name my-table

Dump all content of a dynamodb table in localstack.

Can be used to check the outcome of a publish.

examples/s3-upload --endpoint-url https://localhost:8010/upload --env test some-file

Upload an object via exodus-gw.

This will write to the localstack service. If you’re not sure whether anything really happened, check the logs of exodus-gw-localstack.service or use the s3 ls command above.

psql -h localhost -p 3355 -U exodus-gw

Connect to the postgres database.

The database will be empty until exodus-gw has started successfully at least once.

systemctl --user stop exodus-gw-db

rm -rf ~/.config/exodus-gw-dev/postgresql/

systemctl --user start

Clean database while leaving other data untouched.

systemctl --user stop exodus-gw-localstack

rm -rf ~/.config/exodus-gw-dev/localstack/

systemctl --user start

Clean localstack while leaving other data untouched.

Don’t forget to recreate any deleted buckets.

Spoofing authentication

The exodus-gw service parses an X-RhApiPlatform-CallContext header for information relating to authentication & authorization; see Deployment Guide for more info on this scheme.

During development, arbitrary values for this header may be used to test the behavior of endpoints with various roles. However, due to the format of this header, generating these values by hand can be cumbersome.

To assist in this, a helper script is provided in the exodus-gw repo at scripts/call-context. This script accepts any number of role names as arguments and produces a header value which will produce an authenticated & authorized request using those roles.

For example, if we want to use curl to make a request to an endpoint needing qa-uploader role, we can use the following command:

curl \
  -H "X-RhApiPlatform-CallContext: $(scripts/call-context qa-uploader)" \

This approach is only necessary if you are accessing the service via http (for example, if you don’t access to the sidecar container). If you are accessing the service using https, the same certificates and keys as used for production may be used in your local environment.

Disabling migrations during development

The exodus-gw schema in production is managed via alembic migrations.

When prototyping schema changes during development, it can be unreasonably time-consuming to exclusively use migrations for schema changes. Therefore it is possible to use a setting to disable migrations and instead use the sqlalchemy model to populate your development DB.

Here is a recommended workflow which allows disabling migrations during development of schema changes and only producing migrations once the schema has been stabilized:

  • Use the systemd-based dev env.

  • Set EXODUS_GW_DB_MIGRATION_MODE=model in your dev env (for example, add this to ~/.config/exodus-gw-dev/.env).

    This disables migrations; it will cause your DB schema to be refreshed from the latest sqlalchemy model every time the service starts.

  • If your model changes can’t be applied automatically (e.g. changing column types), consider also setting EXODUS_GW_DB_RESET=true to completely drop and recreate tables when the service starts.

  • Develop your changes until the schema is stable.

  • Run tox -e alembic-autogen or scripts/alembic-autogen to generate a migration.

    • This re-enables migrations.

  • Restart the service to verify that your migration applies successfully.

The resulting migration should be included in the same pull request as your sqlalchemy model changes.