
Lambda Functions

The Lambda@Edge functions defined in this repository are intended to be deployed by AWS CodePipeline pipelines, triggered by pushes to a designated git branch(es). However, the AWS CloudFormation template for function deployment, exodus-lambda-deploy.yaml, can be run by the AWS CLI command aws cloudformation deploy once packaged.

  • Parameters
    • env

      The project name under which resources are created. Available values: dev, stage, prod Default: dev

    • oai

      An AWS CloudFront origin access identity.

    • project:

      The project name under which resources are created. Default: exodus

    • lambdafunctionrole:

      The IAM Role ARN for Lambda Function resource.

$ export $PROJECT=...
$ export $ENV_TYPE=...
$ ./scripts/build-package
$ aws cloudformation deploy \
       --template-file configuration/exodus-lambda-pkg.yaml \
       --stack-name ... \
       --capabilities ... \
       --parameter-overrides env=$ENV_TYPE project=$PROJECT \
           oai=... lambdafunctionrole=...