
Remove all contents from one or more Pulp repositories.

This command will remove contents from repositories and record information on what was removed. Removal may optionally be filtered to selected content types.

usage: pubtools-pulp-clear-repo [-h] [--debug] [--udcache-url UDCACHE_URL]
                                [--udcache-user UDCACHE_USER]
                                [--udcache-password UDCACHE_PASSWORD]
                                [--udcache-certificate UDCACHE_CERTIFICATE]
                                [--udcache-certificate-key UDCACHE_CERTIFICATE_KEY]
                                [--pulp-url PULP_URL] [--pulp-user PULP_USER]
                                [--pulp-password PULP_PASSWORD]
                                [--pulp-certificate PULP_CERTIFICATE]
                                [--pulp-certificate-key PULP_CERTIFICATE_KEY]
                                [--pulp-throttle PULP_THROTTLE] [--pulp-fake]
                                [--skip SKIP] [--content-type CONTENT_TYPE]
                                repo [repo ...]

Positional Arguments


Repositories to be cleared

Named Arguments

--debug, -d

Show debug logs; can be provided up to three times to enable more logs

Default: 0


skip given comma-separated sub-steps


remove only content of these comma-separated type(s). e.g. –content-type=(rpm, srpm, modulemd, iso, modulemd_defaults, package_langpacks, or erratum and so on)

Unified Downloads Cache environment


Base URL of UD cache flush API; if omitted, UD cache flush features are disabled.


Username for UD cache flush


Password for UD cache flush (or set UDCACHE_PASSWORD)

Default: “”


Client certificate for UD cache flush (or set UDCACHE_CERT)

Default: “”


Client key for UD cache flush (or set UDCACHE_KEY)

Default: “”

Pulp environment


Pulp server URL


Pulp username


Pulp password (or set PULP_PASSWORD environment variable)


Pulp certificate. Can also be a single file (.pem)


Pulp certificate key


Allow unverified HTTPS connection to Pulp

Default: False


Allows to enqueue or run only specified number of Pulp tasks at one moment (or set PULP_THROTTLE environment variable)


Use a fake in-memory Pulp client rather than interacting with a real server. For development/testing only, may have limited functionality.

Default: False


A typical invocation of clear-repo would look like this:

pubtools-pulp-clear-repo \
  --pulp-url \
  --pulp-user admin \
  --pulp-password XXXXX \
  my-repo1 my-repo2 ...

All content of the mentioned repositories would be removed, published and the cache will be flushed on publish.

Example: skipping publish

If you know that there’s no point in publishing Pulp repositories (for example, you’re about to push new content into repos after clearing them), you can speed up the task by skipping publish:

pubtools-pulp-clear-repo \
  --pulp-url \
  --pulp-user admin \
  --pulp-password XXXXX \
  --skip publish \
  my-repo1 my-repo2 ...