Source code for pubtools.pulplib._impl.model.maintenance

import logging
import datetime
import os

import jsonschema
from frozenlist2 import frozenlist

from pubtools.pulplib._impl import compat_attr as attr
from .attr import pulp_attrib
from .convert import read_timestamp, write_timestamp
from ..schema import load_schema
from .common import InvalidDataException

LOG = logging.getLogger("pubtools.pulplib")

USER = os.environ.get("USER")
HOSTNAME = os.environ.get("HOSTNAME")

[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class MaintenanceEntry(object): """Details about the maintenance status of a specific repository. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ repo_id = pulp_attrib(type=str) """ID of repository in maintenance. Note: there is no guarantee that a repository of this ID currently exists in the Pulp server.""" message = pulp_attrib(default=None, type=str) """Why this repository is in maintenance.""" owner = pulp_attrib(default=None, type=str) """Who set this repository in maintenance mode.""" started = pulp_attrib(default=None, type=datetime.datetime) """:class:`~datetime.datetime` in UTC at when the maintenance started."""
[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class MaintenanceReport(object): """Represents the maintenance status of Pulp repositories. On release-engineering Pulp servers, it's possible to put individual repositories into "maintenance mode". When in maintenance mode, external publishes of a repository will be blocked. Other operations remain possible. This object holds information on the set of repositories currently in maintenance mode. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ _OWNER = "%s@%s" % (USER, HOSTNAME) if all([USER, HOSTNAME]) else "pubtools.pulplib" _SCHEMA = load_schema("maintenance") last_updated = pulp_attrib(default=None, type=datetime.datetime) """:class:`~datetime.datetime` in UTC when this report was last updated, if it's the first time the report is created, current time is used.""" last_updated_by = pulp_attrib(default=None, type=str) """Person/party who updated the report last time.""" entries = pulp_attrib( default=attr.Factory(frozenlist), type=list, converter=frozenlist ) """A list of :class:`MaintenanceEntry` objects, indicating which repositories are in maintenance mode and details. If empty, then it means no repositories are in maintenance mode. """ @entries.validator def _check_duplicates(self, _, value): # check if there's duplicate entries repo_ids = [entry.repo_id for entry in value] if len(repo_ids) != len(set(repo_ids)): raise ValueError("Duplicate entries") @classmethod def _from_data(cls, data): """Create a new report with raw data Args: data (dict): A dict containing a raw representation of the maintenance status. Returns: a new instance of ``cls`` Raises: InvalidDataException If the provided ``data`` fails validation against an expected schema. """ try: jsonschema.validate(instance=data, schema=cls._SCHEMA) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as error: LOG.exception("%s.from_data invoked with invalid data", cls.__name__) raise InvalidDataException(str(error)) entries = [] for repo_id, details in data["repos"].items(): entries.append( MaintenanceEntry( repo_id=repo_id, message=details["message"], owner=details["owner"], started=read_timestamp(details["started"]), ) ) maintenance = cls( last_updated=read_timestamp(data["last_updated"]), last_updated_by=data["last_updated_by"], entries=entries, ) return maintenance def _export_dict(self): """export a raw dictionary of maintenance report""" report = { "last_updated": write_timestamp(self.last_updated), "last_updated_by": self.last_updated_by or self._OWNER, "repos": {}, } for entry in self.entries: report["repos"].update( { entry.repo_id: { "message": entry.message, "owner": entry.owner, "started": write_timestamp(entry.started), } } ) return report
[docs] def add(self, repo_ids, **kwargs): """Add entries to maintenance report and update the timestamp. Every entry added to the report represents a repository in maintenance mode. Args: repo_ids (list[str]): A list of repository ids. New entries with these repository ids will be added to the maintenance report. Note: it's users' responsibility to make sure the repository exists in the Pulp server, this method doesn't check for the existence of repositories. message (str) (optional): Reason why put the repo to maintenance. owner (str) (optional): Who set the maintenance mode. Returns: :class:`~pubtools.pulplib.MaintenanceReport` A copy of this maintenance report with added repositories. """ message = kwargs.get("message") or "Maintenance mode is enabled" owner = kwargs.get("owner") or self._OWNER to_add = [] for repo in repo_ids: to_add.append( MaintenanceEntry( repo_id=repo, owner=owner, message=message, started=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), ) ) entries = list(self.entries) entries.extend(to_add) # filter out duplicated entries. Filtering is in reverse order, which # means existed entries will be replaced by newer ones with same repo_id filtered_entries = [] entry_ids = set() for entry in reversed(entries): if entry.repo_id not in entry_ids: filtered_entries.append(entry) entry_ids.add(entry.repo_id) return attr.evolve( self, entries=filtered_entries, last_updated_by=owner, last_updated=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), )
[docs] def remove(self, repo_ids, **kwargs): """Remove entries from the maintenance report. Remove entries means the removing corresponding repositories from maintenance mode. Args: repo_ids (list[str]): A list of repository ids. Entries match repository ids will be removed from the maintenance report. owner (str) (optional): Who unset the maintenance mode. Returns: :class:`~pubtools.pulplib.MaintenanceReport` A copy of this maintenance report with removed repositories. """ owner = kwargs.get("owner") or self._OWNER repo_ids = set(repo_ids) # convert to set, make checking faster new_entries = [] for entry in self.entries: if entry.repo_id not in repo_ids: new_entries.append(entry) return attr.evolve(self, last_updated_by=owner, entries=new_entries)