Source code for pubtools.pulplib._impl.model.repository.file

import os
import logging

from attr import validators
from frozenlist2 import frozenlist

from .base import Repository, SyncOptions, repo_type, Importer
from ...model.unit import FileUnit
from ..attr import pulp_attrib
from ... import compat_attr as attr

LOG = logging.getLogger("pubtools.pulplib")

[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class FileImporter(Importer): type_id = pulp_attrib( default="iso_importer", type=str, pulp_field="importer_type_id" ) """ Specific importer_type_id for File repositories. """
[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class FileSyncOptions(SyncOptions): """Options controlling a file repository :meth:`~pubtools.pulplib.Repository.sync`. """ remove_missing = pulp_attrib(default=False, type=bool) """If true, as the repository is synchronized, old files will be removed. """
[docs]@repo_type("iso-repo") @attr.s(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class FileRepository(Repository): """A :class:`~pubtools.pulplib.Repository` for generic file distribution.""" # this class only overrides some defaults for attributes defined in super type = pulp_attrib(default="iso-repo", type=str, pulp_field="notes._repo-type") is_sigstore = attr.ib( default=attr.Factory( lambda self: == "redhat-sigstore", takes_self=True ), type=bool, validator=validators.instance_of(bool), ) mutable_urls = attr.ib( default=attr.Factory( lambda: frozenlist(["PULP_MANIFEST", "PULP_MANIFEST.asc"]) ), type=list, converter=frozenlist, ) importer = pulp_attrib( default=FileImporter(), type=FileImporter, pulp_field="importers", pulp_py_converter=FileImporter._from_data, py_pulp_converter=FileImporter._to_data, ) """ An object of :class:`~pubtools.pulplib.FileImporter` that is associated with the repository. .. versionadded:: 2.39.0 """
[docs] def upload_file(self, file_obj, relative_url=None, **kwargs): """Upload a file to this repository. Args: file_obj (str, file object) If it's a string, then it's the path of a file to upload. Otherwise, it should be a `file-like object <>`_ pointing at the bytes to upload. The client takes ownership of this file object; it should not be modified elsewhere, and will be closed when upload completes. relative_url (str) Path that should be used in remote repository, can either be a path to a directory or a path to a file, e.g: - if relative_url is 'foo/bar/' and file_obj has name 'f.txt', the resulting remote path wll be 'foo/bar/f.txt'. - if relative_url is 'foo/bar/f.txt', no matter what the name of file_obj is, the remote path is 'foo/bar/f.txt'. If omitted, the local name of the file will be used. Or, if file_obj is a file object without a `name` attribute, passing `relative_url` is mandatory. kwargs Additional field values to set on the uploaded unit. Any :class:`~pubtools.pulplib.FileUnit` fields documented as *mutable* may be included here (for example, ``cdn_path``). An error will occur if attempting to set other fields. Returns: Future[list of :class:`~pubtools.pulplib.Task`] A future which is resolved after content has been imported to this repo. Raises: DetachedException If this instance is not attached to a Pulp client. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 .. versionadded:: 2.20.0 Added ability to set mutable fields on upload. """ relative_url = self._get_relative_url(file_obj, relative_url) unit_key_fn = lambda upload: { "name": relative_url, "checksum": upload[0], "size": upload[1], } unit_metadata_fn = None usermeta = FileUnit._usermeta_from_kwargs(**kwargs) if usermeta: unit_metadata_fn = lambda _: usermeta return self._upload_then_import( file_obj, relative_url, "iso", unit_key_fn, unit_metadata_fn )
def _get_relative_url(self, file_obj, relative_url): is_file_object = "close" in dir(file_obj) if not is_file_object: name = os.path.basename(file_obj) if not relative_url: relative_url = name elif relative_url.endswith("/"): relative_url = os.path.join(relative_url, name) elif is_file_object and (not relative_url or relative_url.endswith("/")): msg = "%s is missing a name attribute and relative_url was not provided" raise ValueError(msg % file_obj) return relative_url