from frozenlist2 import frozenlist
from pubtools.pulplib._impl import compat_attr as attr
from ..schema import load_schema
from .unit import Unit
from .common import PulpObject
from .attr import pulp_attrib
[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
class Task(PulpObject):
"""Represents a Pulp task."""
_SCHEMA = load_schema("task")
id = pulp_attrib(type=str, pulp_field="task_id")
"""ID of this task (str)."""
completed = pulp_attrib(default=None, type=bool)
"""True if this task has completed, successfully or otherwise.
May be `None` if the state of this task is unknown.
succeeded = pulp_attrib(default=None, type=bool)
"""True if this task has completed successfully.
May be `None` if the state of this task is unknown.
error_summary = pulp_attrib(default=None, type=str)
"""A summary of the reason for this task's failure (if any).
This is a short string, generally a single line, suitable for display to users.
The string includes the ID of the failed task.
error_details = pulp_attrib(default=None, type=str)
"""Detailed information for this task's failure (if any).
This may be a multi-line string and may include technical information such as
a Python backtrace generated by Pulp.
``error_details`` is a superset of the information available via ``error_summary``,
so it is not necessary to display both.
tags = pulp_attrib(
"""The tags for this task.
Typically includes info on the task's associated action and
repo, such as:
.. code-block:: python
# TODO: is it a bug that this only allows a single repo ID??
# Some tasks, like copy, involve multiple repos. We'll only include
# the first repo ID from tags here... seems arbitrary.
repo_id = pulp_attrib(type=str)
"""The ID of the repository associated with this task, otherwise None."""
units = pulp_attrib(
pulp_py_converter=lambda raw: frozenlist(
[Unit._from_task_data(x) for x in raw]
"""Info on the units which were processed as part of this task
(e.g. associated or unassociated).
This is an iterable. Each element is an instance of
:class:`~pubtools.pulplib.Unit` containing information on a processed
.. versionadded:: 1.5.0
units_data = pulp_attrib(
"""Info on the units which were processed as part of this task
(e.g. associated or unassociated).
This is a list. The list elements are the raw dicts as returned
by Pulp. These should at least contain a 'type_id' and a 'unit_key'.
.. deprecated:: 1.5.0
Use :meth:`~pubtools.pulplib.Task.units` instead.
def _repo_id_default(self):
prefix = "pulp:repository:"
for tag in self.tags or []:
if tag.startswith(prefix):
return tag[len(prefix) :]
return None
def _check_succeeded(self, _, value):
if value and not self.completed:
raise ValueError("Cannot have task with completed=False, succeeded=True")
def _data_to_init_args(cls, data):
out = super(Task, cls)._data_to_init_args(data)
state = data["state"]
out["completed"] = state in ("finished", "error", "canceled", "skipped")
out["succeeded"] = state in ("finished", "skipped")
if state == "canceled":
out["error_summary"] = "Pulp task [%s] was canceled" % data["task_id"]
out["error_details"] = out["error_summary"]
elif state == "error":
out["error_summary"] = cls._error_summary(data)
out["error_details"] = cls._error_details(data)
return out
def _error_summary(cls, data):
prefix = "Pulp task [%s] failed" % data["task_id"]
error = data.get("error")
if not error:
return "%s: <unknown error>" % prefix
return "%s: %s: %s" % (prefix, error["code"], error["description"])
def _error_details(cls, data):
out = cls._error_summary(data)
error = data.get("error")
if not error:
return out
# Error looks like this:
# {
# 'code': u'PLP0001',
# 'data': {
# 'message': 'a message'
# },
# 'description': 'A general pulp exception occurred',
# 'sub_errors': []
# }
# See:
# data can contain anything, or nothing.
# It's only a convention that it often contains a message.
# sub_errors is currently ignored because I've never seen a non-empty
# sub_errors yet.
error_data = error.get("data") or {}
messages = []
# Message in a general exception
if error_data.get("message"):
# Some exceptions stash additional strings under details.errors
if (error_data.get("details") or {}).get("errors"):
error_messages = error_data["details"]["errors"]
if isinstance(error_messages, list):
# Pulp docs refer to this as deprecated, but actually it's still
# used and no alternative is provided.
if data.get("traceback"):
message = "\n".join(messages)
if message:
# message can have CRLF line endings in rare cases.
message = message.replace("\r\n", "\n").strip()
out = "%s:\n%s" % (out, _indent(message))
return out
def _indent(text, level=2):
spaces = " " * level
return spaces + text.replace("\n", "\n" + spaces)