Source code for pubtools.pulplib._impl.model.unit.file

import datetime

from .base import Unit, unit_type

from ..attr import pulp_attrib
from ... import compat_attr as attr
from ..convert import (
from ..validate import optional_str, instance_of

[docs]@unit_type("iso") @attr.s(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class FileUnit(Unit): """A :class:`~pubtools.pulplib.Unit` representing a generic file. .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 """ path = pulp_attrib(type=str, pulp_field="name", unit_key=True) """Full path for this file in the Pulp repository. This may include leading directory components, but in the common case, this is only a basename. """ size = pulp_attrib(type=int, converter=int, pulp_field="size", unit_key=True) """Size of this file, in bytes.""" sha256sum = pulp_attrib( type=str, pulp_field="checksum", converter=lambda s: s.lower() if s else s, unit_key=True, ) """SHA256 checksum of this file, as a hex string.""" description = pulp_attrib( type=str, pulp_field="pulp_user_metadata.description", default=None, validator=optional_str, ) """A user-oriented terse description of this file. This field is **mutable** and may be set by :meth:`~FileRepository.upload_file` or :meth:`~Client.update_content`. .. versionadded:: 2.20.0 """ version = pulp_attrib( type=str, pulp_field="pulp_user_metadata.version", default=None, validator=optional_str, ) """A version string associated with this file. This string can be used for display purposes to group related files together. For example, files ``"oc-4.8.10-linux.tar.gz"`` and ``"openshift-install-linux-4.8.10.tar.gz"`` in a repo may both have a version string of ``"4.8.10"`` to indicate that the files relate to the same product version. This field is **mutable** and may be set by :meth:`~FileRepository.upload_file` or :meth:`~Client.update_content`. .. versionadded:: 2.23.0 """ display_order = pulp_attrib( type=float, pulp_field="pulp_user_metadata.display_order", default=None, converter=lambda x: float(x) if x is not None else None, ) """An ordering hint associated with this file. In cases where a UI displays a list of files from Pulp, it is suggested that files by default should be ordered by this field ascending. This field is **mutable** and may be set by :meth:`~FileRepository.upload_file` or :meth:`~Client.update_content`. .. versionadded:: 2.23.0 """ @display_order.validator def _validate_display_order(self, _, value): # Validation here is identical to pushsource.FilePushItem.display_order. # Check that validator for an explanation. if value is None: return value = float(value) if not (value >= -99999 and value <= 99999): raise ValueError("display_order must be within range -99999 .. 99999") cdn_path = pulp_attrib( type=str, pulp_field="pulp_user_metadata.cdn_path", default=None, validator=optional_str, ) """A path, relative to the CDN root, from which this file can be downloaded once published. This path will not point to any specific repository. However, the file must have been published via at least one repository before this path can be accessed. This field is **mutable** and may be set by :meth:`~FileRepository.upload_file` or :meth:`~Client.update_content`. .. versionadded:: 2.20.0 """ cdn_published = pulp_attrib( type=datetime.datetime, pulp_field="pulp_user_metadata.cdn_published", default=None, converter=tolerant_timestamp, py_pulp_converter=timestamp_converter, validator=instance_of((datetime.datetime, type(None))), ) """Approximate :class:`~datetime.datetime` in UTC at which this file first became available at ``cdn_path``, or ``None`` if this information is unavailable. This field is **mutable** and may be set by :meth:`~FileRepository.upload_file` or :meth:`~Client.update_content`. .. versionadded:: 2.20.0 """ content_type_id = pulp_attrib( default="iso", type=str, pulp_field="_content_type_id" ) repository_memberships = pulp_attrib( default=None, type=list, converter=frozenlist_or_none_sorted_converter, pulp_field="repository_memberships", ) """IDs of repositories containing the unit, or ``None`` if this information is unavailable. .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 """ unit_id = pulp_attrib(type=str, pulp_field="_id", default=None) """The unique ID of this unit, if known. .. versionadded:: 2.20.0 """ @size.validator def _check_size(self, _, value): if value < 0: raise ValueError("Not a valid size (must be positive): %s" % value) @sha256sum.validator def _check_sha256(self, _, value): self._check_sum(value, "SHA256", 64)