Source code for pubtools._quay.operator_pusher

import functools
import logging
import re
import yaml
from concurrent import futures
from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
import os
from typing import Any, Union, Optional, List, Dict, Tuple

import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

from .container_image_pusher import ContainerImagePusher
from .utils.misc import (
from .quay_client import QuayClient
from .utils.misc import parse_index_image, pyxis_get_repo_metadata
from .models import BuildIndexImageParam
from pubtools.tracing import get_trace_wrapper

tx = get_trace_wrapper()
LOG = logging.getLogger("pubtools.quay")

[docs]class OperatorPusher: """ Add operator bundles to index images and push them to Quay. No validation is performed, push items are expected to be correct. """
[docs] def __init__( self, push_items: List[Any], task_id: str, target_settings: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """ Initialize. Args: push_items ([ContainerPushItem]): List of push items. task_id (str): task id target_settings (dict): Target settings. """ self.push_items = push_items self.target_settings = target_settings self.task_id = task_id self.quay_host = self.target_settings.get("quay_host", "").rstrip("/") self._version_items_mapping: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.ocp_versions_resolved: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_immutable_tag(push_item: Any) -> Union[str, Any]: """ Return immutable tag from operator push item production tags. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Operator push item. Returns (str): Immutable tag """ # NOTE: while this was copied from pub, '[0]' had to be added here to work properly if push_item.metadata["v_r"] in list(push_item.metadata["tags"].values())[0]: return push_item.metadata["v_r"] # if v_r tag is not in destination tags, return tag with the most numbers in it # This code is usually trigerred when push is not initiated from ET but manually # by user tags = [] for tag in list(push_item.metadata["tags"].values())[0]: tags.append((len(re.split(r"\d+", tag)), tag)) return sorted(tags)[-1][1]
[docs] def public_bundle_ref(self, push_item: Any) -> str: """ Get public reference of a bundle image. It will be used by IIB to access the bundle image. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Operator push item. Returns (str): Customer-visible bundle reference. """ repository = list(push_item.metadata["tags"].keys())[0] # tags are the same for each destination repo, so any combination should work return "{0}/{1}:{2}".format( self.target_settings["docker_settings"]["docker_reference_registry"][0], repository, self._get_immutable_tag(push_item), )
[docs] def pyxis_get_ocp_versions(self, push_item: Any) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of supported ocp versions from Pyxis. Args: push_item: (ContainerPushItem) Push item for which the OCP version range will be found out. Returns ([str]): Supported OCP versions as returned by Pyxis. """ cert, key = get_pyxis_ssl_paths(self.target_settings) ocp_versions = push_item.metadata["com.redhat.openshift.versions"]"Getting OCP versions of '{0}' from Pyxis.".format(ocp_versions)) args = ["--pyxis-server", self.target_settings["pyxis_server"]] args += ["--pyxis-ssl-crtfile", cert] args += ["--pyxis-ssl-keyfile", key] args += ["--organization", self.target_settings["iib_organization"]] args += ["--ocp-versions-range", ocp_versions] env_vars: Dict[str, str] = {} data = run_entrypoint( ( "pubtools-pyxis", "console_scripts", "pubtools-pyxis-get-operator-indices", ), "pubtools-pyxis-get-operator-indices", args, env_vars, ) if not data: msg = "Pyxis has returned no OCP versions for '{0}' specified in build {1}.".format( ocp_versions, push_item.metadata["build"]["build_id"] ) raise ValueError(msg) # Versions returned by Pyxis don't contain 'v' at the front (4.5 -> v4.5) return ["v{0}".format(item["ocp_version"]) for item in data]
@property def version_items_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]: """ Generate mapping of OCP version -> push_items. The mapping describes which operator bundles should be added to which index images. Returns ({str: [ContainerPushItem]}) Mapping of OCP version -> Push items """ if not self._version_items_mapping: for item in self.push_items: ocp_versions = item.metadata["com.redhat.openshift.versions"] # we haven't yet encountered this pattern, contact Pyxis for resolution if ocp_versions not in self.ocp_versions_resolved: self.ocp_versions_resolved[ocp_versions] = self.pyxis_get_ocp_versions(item) for version in self.ocp_versions_resolved[ocp_versions]: self._version_items_mapping.setdefault(version, []).append(item) return self._version_items_mapping
[docs] def get_deprecation_list(self, version: str) -> Optional[List[str]]: """ Get bundles to be deprecated in the index image. If deprecation list URL isn't in the target settings, None is returned. Args: version: (str) version for which deprecation list will be fetched. Returns: list(str)|None: list of bundles to be deprecated in the index image. or None if deprecation list URL was not specified. """ def _get_requests_session() -> requests.Session: session = requests.Session() retry = Retry( total=6, read=6, connect=6, backoff_factor=0.8, status_forcelist=(500, 502, 503, 504), ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session.mount("http://", adapter) session.mount("https://", adapter) return session if not self.target_settings.get("iib_deprecation_list_url"): return None deprecation_list = [] deprecation_list_url = "{0}/{1}.yml/raw?ref=master".format( self.target_settings["iib_deprecation_list_url"].rstrip("/"), version.replace(".", "_"), ) registry_url = self.target_settings["docker_settings"]["docker_reference_registry"][0]"Getting the deprecation list for OCP version {0}".format(version)) session = _get_requests_session() response = session.get(url=deprecation_list_url, timeout=10) if not response.ok: LOG.error( "Could not retrieve deprecation list after multiple attempts." " Status Code {0}".format(response.status_code) ) response.raise_for_status() try: yaml_response = yaml.safe_load(response.text) if yaml_response: deprecation_list = [ "{0}/{1}".format(registry_url, bundle_path) for pkg_deprecation_list in yaml_response.values() for bundle_path in pkg_deprecation_list ] except Exception: LOG.error("Data in {0} is invalid".format(deprecation_list_url)) raise"Deprecation list retrieved successfully") return sorted(deprecation_list)
[docs] @classmethod def pubtools_iib_get_common_args( cls, target_settings: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, str]]: """ Create an argument list common for all pubtools-iib operations. Target settings are used to set the values of the arguments Args: target_settings (dict): Settings used for setting the value of pubtools-iib parameters. Returns (([str]), {str:str}): Tuple of arguments and environment variables to be used when calling pubtools-iib. """ args = ["--iib-server", target_settings["iib_server"]] args += ["--iib-krb-principal", target_settings["iib_krb_principal"]] if target_settings.get("iib_overwrite_from_index", False): args += ["--overwrite-from-index"] if "iib_krb_ktfile" in target_settings: args += ["--iib-krb-ktfile", target_settings["iib_krb_ktfile"]] env_vars = {} if "iib_overwrite_from_index_token" in target_settings: env_vars["OVERWRITE_FROM_INDEX_TOKEN"] = target_settings[ "iib_overwrite_from_index_token" ] if target_settings.get("iib_build_timeout"): args += ["--build-timeout", str(target_settings["iib_build_timeout"])] return (args, env_vars)
[docs] @classmethod @tx.instrument_func() def iib_add_bundles( cls, bundles: Optional[List[str]] = None, archs: Optional[List[str]] = None, index_image: Optional[str] = None, deprecation_list: Union[List[str], str, None] = None, build_tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, target_settings: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> Any: """ Construct and execute pubtools-iib command to add bundles to index image. Args: bundles ([str]): External URLs to bundle images to be added to the index image. archs ([str]): Architectures to build for. index_image (str): Index image to add the bundles to. deprecation_list ([str]|str): List of bundles to be deprecated. Accepts both str (csv) and a list. build_tags ([str]): Extra tags that the new index image should be tagged with. target_settings (dict): Settings used for setting the value of pubtools-iib parameters. Returns (dict): Build details provided by IIB. """ "Requesting IIB to add bundles '{0}' to index image '{1}'".format(bundles, index_image) ) args, env_vars = cls.pubtools_iib_get_common_args(target_settings) if target_settings.get("check_related_images"): args += ["--check-related-images"] if index_image: args += ["--index-image", index_image] if bundles: for bundle in bundles: args += ["--bundle", bundle] if archs: for arch in archs: args += ["--arch", arch] # inconsistent way of presenting multiple arguments... if deprecation_list and isinstance(deprecation_list, str): args += ["--deprecation-list", deprecation_list] elif deprecation_list and isinstance(deprecation_list, list): args += ["--deprecation-list", ",".join(deprecation_list)] if build_tags: for build_tag in build_tags: args += ["--build-tag", build_tag] try: return run_entrypoint( ("pubtools-iib", "console_scripts", "pubtools-iib-add-bundles"), "pubtools-iib-add-bundles", args, env_vars, ) except SystemExit: return False
[docs] @classmethod @tx.instrument_func() def iib_remove_operators( cls, operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, archs: Optional[List[str]] = None, index_image: Optional[str] = None, build_tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, target_settings: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> Any: """ Construct and execute pubtools-iib command to remove operators from index image. Args: operators ([str]): Operator names to be removed from the index image. archs ([str]): Architectures to build for. index_image (str): Index image to remove the operators from. build_tags ([str]): Extra tags that the new index image should be tagged with. target_settings (dict): Settings used for setting the value of pubtools-iib parameters. Returns (dict): Build details provided by IIB. """ "Requesting IIB to remove operators '{0}' from index image '{1}'".format( operators, index_image ) ) args, env_vars = cls.pubtools_iib_get_common_args(target_settings) if index_image: args += ["--index-image", index_image] if operators: for operator in operators: args += ["--operator", operator] if archs: for arch in archs: args += ["--arch", arch] if build_tags: for build_tag in build_tags: args += ["--build-tag", build_tag] return run_entrypoint( ("pubtools-iib", "console_scripts", "pubtools-iib-remove-operators"), "pubtools-iib-remove-operators", args, env_vars, )
@classmethod @tx.instrument_func() def iib_add_deprecations( cls, index_image: str, deprecation_schema: str, operator_package: str, build_tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, target_settings: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> Any: """ Construct and execute pubtools-iib command to add deprecations of an operator package. Args: index_image (str): Index image to add the bundles to. deprecation_schema (str): JSON formatted deprecation schema. operator_package (str): Operator package to add deprecations to. build_tags ([str]): Extra tags that the new index image should be tagged with. target_settings (dict): Settings used for setting the value of pubtools-iib parameters. Returns (dict): Build details provided by IIB. """ "Requesting IIB to add deprecations to package '{0}' in index image '{1}'".format( operator_package, index_image ) ) args, env_vars = cls.pubtools_iib_get_common_args(target_settings) if index_image: args += ["--index-image", index_image] if deprecation_schema: args += ["--deprecation-schema", deprecation_schema] if operator_package: args += ["--operator-package", operator_package] if build_tags: for build_tag in build_tags: args += ["--build-tag", build_tag] return run_entrypoint( ("pubtools-iib", "console_scripts", "pubtools-iib-add-deprecations"), "pubtools-iib-add-deprecations", args, env_vars, )
[docs] def get_existing_index_images(self, quay_client: QuayClient) -> List[Tuple[str, str, str]]: """ Return existing index images for non-fbc push items. Args: quay_client (QuayClient): quay_client_instance Returns [(digest, tag, repo)]: List of tuples containing digest and tag of existing index image """ image_schema = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}" iib_repo = get_internal_container_repo_name( self.target_settings["quay_operator_repository"] ) index_image_repo = image_schema.format( host=self.quay_host, namespace=self.target_settings.get( "quay_operator_namespace", self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] ), repo=iib_repo, ) current_index_images = [] manifest_list: Any = {} for version, items in sorted(self.version_items_mapping.items()): items_opted_in, failed_items = self._get_fbc_opted_in_items() if not self._get_non_fbc_items_for_version(items, version, items_opted_in): continue image_ref = "{0}:{1}".format(index_image_repo, version) try: manifest_list = quay_client.get_manifest( image_ref, media_type=QuayClient.MANIFEST_LIST_TYPE ) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404 or e.response.status_code == 401: continue else: raise for manifest in manifest_list["manifests"]: current_index_images.append( ( manifest["digest"], version, self.target_settings["quay_operator_repository"], ) ) return list(set(current_index_images))
@log_step("Verify bundles presence") def ensure_bundles_present(self) -> bool: """ Make sure bundles are present in Quay. Wait until pushed images become present in Quay, and return False if too much time has passed. """ bundles = [self.public_bundle_ref(i) for i in self.push_items] for bundle in bundles: registry = bundle.split("/", 1)[0] username, password = get_basic_auth(registry) or ("", "") quay_client = QuayClient(username, password, registry) try: get_manifest_partial = functools.partial(quay_client.get_manifest, bundle) run_with_retries( get_manifest_partial, "Verify bundle presence", self.target_settings.get("verify_bundle_tries", 5), self.target_settings.get("verify_bundle_wait_time_increase", 20), ) except Exception: LOG.error("Bundle {0} cannot be reached".format(bundle)) return False"Bundle {0} is present".format(bundle)) return True def _get_fbc_opted_in_items(self) -> Tuple[Dict[int, bool], Dict[int, bool]]: """Get items that are opted in for fbc. An item needs to be targeted for repos with fbc_opt_in set to True and ocp versions needs to be higher than 4.10. Inconsistencies in versions (like support for both > 4.10 and <= 4.10) results in item error. """ repos_opted_in = {} items_opted_in = {} failed_items = {} # We need to load pyxis resolved versions at this point versions_mapping = self.version_items_mapping # noqa: F841 for item in self.push_items: for repo in item.metadata["tags"]: if repo not in repos_opted_in: repos_opted_in[repo] = pyxis_get_repo_metadata(repo, self.target_settings).get( "fbc_opt_in", False ) item_fbc_opt_in = [repos_opted_in[repo] for repo in item.metadata["tags"]] if not (all(item_fbc_opt_in) or not any(item_fbc_opt_in)): failed_items[id(item)] = True item.add_error("NOTPUSHED", "Inconsistent fbc opt in") LOG.error("Inconsistent fbc opt in for item {i}".format(i=item)) continue elif all(item_fbc_opt_in): items_opted_in[id(item)] = True else: items_opted_in[id(item)] = False ocp_versions = item.metadata["com.redhat.openshift.versions"] if ( [ version for version in self.ocp_versions_resolved[ocp_versions] if tuple([int(x) for x in version.replace("v", "").split(".")]) < (4, 11) ] and [ version for version in self.ocp_versions_resolved[ocp_versions] if tuple([int(x) for x in version.replace("v", "").split(".")]) > (4, 10) ] and items_opted_in[id(item)] ): item.add_error( "INVALIDFILE", "Cannot push item to index image " "as it supports both <= 4.10 and >= 4.11 and is opted in FBC: {item}".format( item=item ), ) LOG.error( "Cannot push item to index image " "as it supports both <= 4.10 and >= 4.11 and is opted in FBC: {item}".format( item=item ) ) failed_items[id(item)] = True return items_opted_in, failed_items def _get_non_fbc_items_for_version( self, items: List[Any], version: str, items_opted_in: Dict[int, bool] ) -> List[Any]: """Return non fbc items for given ocp version. Args: items: List[ContainerPushItem] list of push items version: str ocp version for which items should be returned. items_opted_in: Dict[int, bool] list of push items opted in fbc. Returns List[ContainerPushItem]: list of items not opted in fbc """ non_fbc_items = [] osev_tuple = tuple([int(x) for x in version.replace("v", "").split(".")]) for item in items: if not items_opted_in[id(item)] or (items_opted_in[id(item)] and osev_tuple <= (4, 10)): non_fbc_items.append(item) elif items_opted_in[id(item)] and osev_tuple >= (4, 11): LOG.warning( "Skipping {i}".format(i=item) + "from iib build as it's opted in for FBC and targeting OCP version >=4.11" ) return non_fbc_items def _create_item_groups_for_version( self, non_fbc_items: List[Any], version: str, is_hotfix: bool = False, is_prerelease: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Iterate thought non fbc items and group those together based on destination tag. Args: non_fbc_items: List[ContainerPushItem] list of items not opted in fbc version: str ocp version is_hotfix: bool flag indicating items are for hotfix push is_prerelease: bool flag indicating items are for prerelease push Returns Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: Dictionary of items grouped by ocp version """ item_groups: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = { version: { "items": [], "overwrite": True, "destination_tags": [version], } } if is_hotfix or is_prerelease: for item in non_fbc_items: if is_hotfix: tag_part = item.metadata["com.redhat.hotfix"] origin = item.origin else: tag_part = "prerelease-{0}".format( item.metadata[""] ) origin = ( item.origin + "-" + item.metadata[""] ) dst_tag = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format( version, tag_part, item.origin.split("-")[1].replace(":", "-"), ) item_groups.setdefault( origin, { "items": [], "overwrite": False, "destination_tags": [], }, ) item_groups[origin]["items"].append(item) item_groups[origin]["destination_tags"].append(dst_tag) if is_prerelease: floating_dst_tag = "{0}-{1}".format(version, tag_part) item_groups[origin]["destination_tags"].append(floating_dst_tag) else: for item in non_fbc_items: item_groups[version]["items"].append(item) return item_groups
[docs] @log_step("Build index images") def build_index_images(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]: """ Perform the 'build' part of the operator workflow. This workflow is a part of push-docker operation. The workflow can be summarized as: - Use Pyxis to parse 'com.redhat.openshift.versions' - Filter out push items which opted in to FBC and shouldn't be pushed - Set extra attributes or push items are for prerelease or for hotfix - Get deprecation list for a given version (list of bundles to be deprecated) - Create mapping of which bundles should be pushed to which index image versions - Contact IIB to add the bundles to the index images with multiple threads Returns ({str:dict}): Dictionary containing IIB results and signing keys for all OPM versions. Data will be used in operator signing. Dictionary structure: { <target_tag>: { "iib_result": (...) (object returned by iiblib) "signing_keys": [...] (list of signing keys to be used for signing) "destination_tags": [...] (list of destination tags) } } """ iib_results = {} items_opted_in, failed_items = self._get_fbc_opted_in_items() # if any of push items failed due to fbc issues, return early and skip all iib operations if failed_items: return {} build_index_image_params = [] for version, items in sorted(self.version_items_mapping.items()): non_fbc_items = self._get_non_fbc_items_for_version(items, version, items_opted_in) is_hotfix = any([item.metadata.get("com.redhat.hotfix") for item in non_fbc_items]) is_prerelease = any( [item.metadata.get("com.redhat.prerelease") for item in non_fbc_items] ) is_advisory_source = all( [re.match(r"^[A-Z0-9:\-]{4,40}$", item.origin) for item in non_fbc_items] ) if is_hotfix and not is_advisory_source: raise ValueError("Cannot push hotfixes without an advisory") if is_prerelease and not is_advisory_source: raise ValueError("Cannot push pre release without an advisory") item_groups = self._create_item_groups_for_version( non_fbc_items, version, is_hotfix, is_prerelease ) # Get deprecation list deprecation_list = self.get_deprecation_list(version) for group, group_info in item_groups.items(): if not group_info["items"]: continue tag = version index_image = "{image_repo}:{tag}".format( image_repo=self.target_settings["iib_index_image"], tag=tag ) build_tags = [] if is_prerelease: build_tags.append( "{0}-{1}-{2}".format( index_image.split(":")[1], self.task_id, group.replace(":", "-") ) ) else: build_tags.append("{0}-{1}".format(index_image.split(":")[1], self.task_id)) bundles = [self.public_bundle_ref(i) for i in group_info["items"]] signing_keys = sorted( list(set([item.claims_signing_key for item in group_info["items"]])) ) target_settings = self.target_settings.copy() if not group_info["overwrite"]: target_settings["iib_overwrite_from_index"] = False target_settings["iib_overwrite_from_index_token"] = "" else: target_settings = self.target_settings # save parameters which are used to build index image in IIB. build_index_image_params.append( BuildIndexImageParam( bundles=bundles, index_image=index_image, deprecation_list=deprecation_list, build_tags=build_tags, target_settings=target_settings, tag=tag, signing_keys=signing_keys, destination_tags=group_info["destination_tags"], origin=group, ) ) num_thread_build_index_images = self.target_settings.get("num_thread_build_index_images", 5) orig_environ = os.environ.copy() _, environ_vars = self.pubtools_iib_get_common_args(self.target_settings) for key in environ_vars: os.environ[key] = environ_vars[key] try: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_thread_build_index_images) as executor: future_results = { executor.submit( lambda param: self.iib_add_bundles( bundles=param.bundles, index_image=param.index_image, deprecation_list=param.deprecation_list, build_tags=param.build_tags, target_settings=param.target_settings, ), param, ): param for param in build_index_image_params } for future in futures.as_completed(future_results): build_details = future.result() param = future_results[future] iib_results[param.tag + "-" + param.origin] = { "iib_result": build_details, "signing_keys": param.signing_keys, "destination_tags": param.destination_tags, } finally: os.environ.update(orig_environ) to_delete = [key for key in os.environ if key not in orig_environ] for key in to_delete: del os.environ[key] return iib_results
[docs] @log_step("Push index images to Quay") def push_index_images( self, iib_results: Dict[Any, Any], tag_suffix: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Push index images which were built in the previous stage to Quay. Args: iib_results (dict): IIB results returned by the build stage tag_suffix (str): extra tag suffix applied to iib version tags if specified """ image_schema = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}" image_schema_tag = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}:{tag}" index_image_repo = image_schema.format( host=self.quay_host, namespace=self.target_settings.get( "quay_operator_namespace", self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] ), repo=get_internal_container_repo_name(self.target_settings["quay_operator_repository"]), ) for version, results in iib_results.items(): build_details = results.get("iib_result", None) if not build_details: continue _, tag = build_details.index_image.split(":", 1) iib_feed, iib_namespace, iib_intermediate_repo = parse_index_image(build_details) permanent_index_image = image_schema_tag.format( host=iib_feed, namespace=iib_namespace, repo=iib_intermediate_repo, tag=build_details.build_tags[0], ) dest_images = [ "{0}:{1}".format(index_image_repo, dst_tag) for dst_tag in results["destination_tags"] ] # We don't use permanent index image here because we always want to overwrite # production tags with the latest index image (in case of parallel pushes) index_image_ts = self.target_settings.copy() index_image_ts["dest_quay_user"] = index_image_ts.get( "index_image_quay_user", index_image_ts["dest_quay_user"] ) index_image_ts["dest_quay_password"] = index_image_ts.get( "index_image_quay_password", index_image_ts["dest_quay_password"] ) ContainerImagePusher.run_tag_images( build_details.index_image, dest_images, True, index_image_ts ) if tag_suffix: _dest_images = [] for _dest_tag in results["destination_tags"]: _dest_images.append( "{0}:{1}-{2}".format(index_image_repo, _dest_tag, tag_suffix) ) ContainerImagePusher.run_tag_images( permanent_index_image, _dest_images, True, index_image_ts )