Source code for pubtools._quay.tag_docker

from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import urllib3
from typing import Any, cast, Optional, Union, Tuple, List, Dict

import requests

from .command_executor import LocalExecutor
from .exceptions import (
from .utils.misc import (
from .quay_client import QuayClient
from .container_image_pusher import ContainerImagePusher
from .manifest_list_merger import ManifestListMerger
from .untag_images import untag_images
from .push_docker import PushDocker
from .signer_wrapper import SIGNER_BY_LABEL
from .item_processor import item_processor_for_internal_data, SignEntry
from .command_executor import Executor
from .types import Manifest, ManifestList

# TODO: do we want this, or should I remove it?
from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning


LOG = logging.getLogger("pubtools.quay")

[docs]class TagDocker: """Handle full tag-docker workflow.""" ImageDetails = namedtuple("ImageDetails", ["reference", "manifest", "manifest_type", "digest"]) MANIFEST_LIST_TYPE = "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json" MANIFEST_V2S2_TYPE = "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" MANIFEST_OCI_LIST_TYPE = "application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json" MANIFEST_OCI_V2S2_TYPE = "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json"
[docs] def __init__( self, push_items: List[Any], hub: Any, task_id: str, target_name: str, target_settings: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """ Initialize. Args: push_items ([_PushItem]): List of push items. hub (HubProxy): Instance of XMLRPC pub-hub proxy. task_id (str): task id target_name (str): Name of the target. target_settings (dict): Target settings. """ self.push_items = push_items self.hub = hub self.task_id = task_id self.target_name = target_name self.target_settings = target_settings self._quay_client: Optional[QuayClient] = None self.quay_host = self.target_settings.get("quay_host", "").rstrip("/") self.dest_registries = self.target_settings["docker_settings"]["docker_reference_registry"] self.dest_registries = ( self.dest_registries if isinstance(self.dest_registries, list) else [self.dest_registries] ) self.verify_target_settings() self.verify_input_data()
@property def quay_client(self) -> QuayClient: """Create and access QuayClient for source and dest images.""" if self._quay_client is None: self._quay_client = QuayClient( self.target_settings["dest_quay_user"], self.target_settings["dest_quay_password"], self.quay_host, ) return self._quay_client
[docs] def verify_target_settings(self) -> None: """Verify that target settings contains all the necessary data.""""Verifying the necessary target settings") required_settings = [ "source_quay_user", "source_quay_password", "dest_quay_user", "dest_quay_password", "dest_quay_api_token", "pyxis_server", "quay_namespace", "iib_index_image", "iib_krb_principal", "quay_operator_repository", ] for setting in required_settings: if setting not in self.target_settings: raise InvalidTargetSettings( "'{0}' must be present in the target settings.".format(setting) ) required_docker_settings = ["umb_urls", "docker_reference_registry"] for setting in required_docker_settings: if setting not in self.target_settings["docker_settings"]: raise InvalidTargetSettings( "'{0}' must be present in the docker settings.".format(setting) )
[docs] def verify_input_data(self) -> None: """Verify that the data specified for the TagDocker operation are correct.""""Verifying the input data") for item in self.push_items: if item.file_type != "docker": raise BadPushItem("Push items must be of 'docker' type") if len(item.repos) != 1: raise BadPushItem("In tag-docker, push items must have precisely one repository.") if item.metadata["add_tags"] and not item.metadata["tag_source"]: raise BadPushItem("Source must be provided if tags were requested to be added.") if not item.metadata["new_method"]: raise BadPushItem("Only new method is supported for tag-docker in Quay.") if item.metadata["tag_source"] and ":" in item.metadata["tag_source"]: raise BadPushItem("Specifying source via digest is not allowed.")
[docs] def check_input_validity(self) -> None: """ Check if input data satisfies tag-docker specific constraints. The constraints are following: 1. If adding tags to prod target, these tags must already exist in stage target. """ if "propagated_from" in self.target_settings: full_repo_schema = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}" stage_target_info = self.hub.worker.get_target_info( self.target_settings["propagated_from"] ) stage_namespace = stage_target_info["settings"]["quay_namespace"] stage_quay_client = QuayClient( stage_target_info["settings"]["dest_quay_user"], stage_target_info["settings"]["dest_quay_password"], self.quay_host, ) for item in self.push_items: internal_repo = get_internal_container_repo_name(list(item.repos.keys())[0]) stage_repo = full_repo_schema.format( host=self.quay_host, namespace=stage_namespace, repo=internal_repo ) # all to-be-added tags must already exist in stage repo for tag in item.metadata["add_tags"]: stage_image = "{0}:{1}".format(stage_repo, tag) try: stage_quay_client.get_manifest(stage_image) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404 or e.response.status_code == 401: raise BadPushItem( "To-be-added tag {0} must already exist in stage repo".format(tag) ) else: raise
def check_input_validity_remove(self, push_item: Any, tag: str) -> None: """ Check if input data satisfies tag-docker specific constraints. The constraints are following: 1. If removing tags from prod target, these tags must already not exist in stage target. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Push item to perform the check with. tag (str): Tag to perform the check with. """ if "propagated_from" in self.target_settings: full_repo_schema = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}" stage_target_info = self.hub.worker.get_target_info( self.target_settings["propagated_from"] ) stage_namespace = stage_target_info["settings"]["quay_namespace"] stage_quay_client = QuayClient( stage_target_info["settings"]["dest_quay_user"], stage_target_info["settings"]["dest_quay_password"], self.quay_host, ) internal_repo = get_internal_container_repo_name(list(push_item.repos.keys())[0]) stage_repo = full_repo_schema.format( host=self.quay_host, namespace=stage_namespace, repo=internal_repo ) # all to-be-removed tags must already be removed from stage stage_image = "{0}:{1}".format(stage_repo, tag) try: stage_quay_client.get_manifest(stage_image) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404 or e.response.status_code == 401: # 404/401 -> all good pass else: raise else: raise BadPushItem( "To-be-removed tag {0} must already be removed from stage repo".format(tag) )
[docs] def get_image_details(self, reference: str, executor: Executor) -> Optional[ImageDetails]: """ Create an ImageDetails namedtuple for the given image reference. Args: reference (str): Image reference. executor (Executor): Instance of Executor subclass used for skopeo inspect. Returns (Optional[ImageDetails]): Namedtuple filled with images data, or None if image doesn't exist. """"Getting image details of {0}".format(reference)) try: manifest = cast(Union[Manifest, ManifestList], self.quay_client.get_manifest(reference)) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404 or e.response.status_code == 401:"Image '{0}' doesn't exist".format(reference)) return None else: raise manifest_type = manifest["mediaType"] if manifest_type not in [ TagDocker.MANIFEST_V2S2_TYPE, TagDocker.MANIFEST_LIST_TYPE, TagDocker.MANIFEST_OCI_V2S2_TYPE, TagDocker.MANIFEST_OCI_LIST_TYPE, ]: raise BadPushItem( "Image {0} has manifest type different than V2S2 or manifest list".format(reference) ) # Check arch if the image is V2S2 manifest if manifest["mediaType"] in ( TagDocker.MANIFEST_V2S2_TYPE, TagDocker.MANIFEST_OCI_V2S2_TYPE, ): arch = executor.skopeo_inspect(reference)["Architecture"] # Arch check is not a great way to verify that this is a source image, but there are # no better options without having build details if arch != "amd64": raise BadPushItem( "Image {0} has V2S2 manifest and contains an architecture {1}. Only source " "images are supported, which have arch 'amd64'.".format(reference, arch) ) digest = self.quay_client.get_manifest_digest(reference) return TagDocker.ImageDetails(reference, manifest, manifest["mediaType"], digest)
[docs] def is_arch_relevant(self, push_item: Any, arch: str) -> bool: """ Find out if an operation should be performed on a given architecture. Uses values of 'archs' and 'exclude_archs' in push item's metadata. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Push item to perform the workflow with. arch (str): Arch to investigate. Returns (bool): True if an operation should be performed on a given arch, False otherwise. """ if push_item.metadata["exclude_archs"]: return arch not in push_item.metadata["archs"] else: return arch in push_item.metadata["archs"]
[docs] def tag_remove_calculate_archs( self, push_item: Any, tag: str, executor: Executor ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """ Calculate which architectures would be removed, and which would remain from a given tag. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Push item to perform the workflow with. tag (str): Tag, for which a 'remove' operation will be performed. executor (Executor): Instance of Executor subclass used for skopeo inspect. Returns ([str], [str]): Tuple where first element contains archs that will be removed, and second element contains archs that will remain. """ full_repo_schema = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}" namespace = self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] internal_repo = get_internal_container_repo_name(list(push_item.repos.keys())[0]) full_repo = full_repo_schema.format( host=self.quay_host, namespace=namespace, repo=internal_repo ) if push_item.metadata["tag_source"]: source_image = "{0}:{1}".format(full_repo, push_item.metadata["tag_source"]) source_details = self.get_image_details(source_image, executor) if not source_details: raise BadPushItem( "Source tag {0} doesn't exist".format(push_item.metadata["tag_source"]) ) else: source_details = None dest_image = "{0}:{1}".format(full_repo, tag) dest_details = self.get_image_details(dest_image, executor) if dest_details is None: LOG.warning("Tag '{0}' already doesn't exist, no removal necessary".format(tag)) return ([], []) if source_details and source_details.manifest_type != dest_details.manifest_type: raise BadPushItem( "Mismatch between manifest types of source {0}:{1} and tag {2}:{3}".format( push_item.metadata["tag_source"], source_details.manifest_type, tag, dest_details.manifest_type, ) ) # Scenario 1: source image if dest_details.manifest_type in ( TagDocker.MANIFEST_V2S2_TYPE, TagDocker.MANIFEST_OCI_V2S2_TYPE, ): return self.tag_remove_calculate_archs_source_image( push_item, source_details, dest_details ) # Scenario 2: multiarch image if dest_details.manifest_type in ( TagDocker.MANIFEST_LIST_TYPE, TagDocker.MANIFEST_OCI_LIST_TYPE, ): return self.tag_remove_calculate_archs_multiarch_image( push_item, source_details, dest_details ) # this should never happen return ([], []) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def tag_remove_calculate_archs_source_image( self, push_item: Any, source_details: Optional[ImageDetails], dest_details: ImageDetails ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """ Calculate which archs would be removed if the specified images were source images. This method is a sub-step of the 'tag_remove_calculate_archs' method. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Push item to perform the workflow with. source_details (Optional[ImageDetails]): ImageDetails of source image, or None if it wasn't specified. dest_details (ImageDetails): ImageDetails of destination image. Returns ([str], [str]): Tuple where first element contains archs that will be removed, and second element contains archs that will remain. """ # Option A: arch is relevant, source is specified and digests correspond -> remove if ( self.is_arch_relevant(push_item, "amd64") and source_details is not None and source_details.digest == dest_details.digest ): return (["amd64"], []) # Option B: arch is relevant, source is specified, but digests don't correspond -> keep elif ( self.is_arch_relevant(push_item, "amd64") and source_details is not None and source_details.digest != dest_details.digest ): return ([], ["amd64"]) # Option C: arch is relevant, source is not specified (no digest check) -> remove elif self.is_arch_relevant(push_item, "amd64") and source_details is None: return (["amd64"], []) # Option D: arch is not relevant -> keep else: return ([], ["amd64"])
[docs] def tag_remove_calculate_archs_multiarch_image( self, push_item: Any, source_details: Optional[ImageDetails], dest_details: ImageDetails ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """ Calculate which archs would be removed if the specified images were multiarch images. This method is a sub-step of the 'tag_remove_calculate_archs' method. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Push item to perform the workflow with. source_details (Optional[ImageDetails]): ImageDetails of source image, or None if it wasn't specified. dest_details (ImageDetails): ImageDetails of destination image. Returns ([str], [str]): Tuple where first element contains archs that will be removed, and second element contains archs that will remain. """ remove_archs = [] keep_archs = [] dest_manifest_data = [ (m["digest"], m["platform"]["architecture"]) for m in dest_details.manifest["manifests"] ] source_manifest_data = ( [ (m["digest"], m["platform"]["architecture"]) for m in source_details.manifest["manifests"] ] if source_details else [] ) for dest_digest, dest_arch in dest_manifest_data: # Option A: arch is relevant, src exists, digest matches in src and dest -> remove if ( self.is_arch_relevant(push_item, dest_arch) and source_details is not None and (dest_digest, dest_arch) in source_manifest_data ): remove_archs.append(dest_arch) # Option B: arch is relevant, src exists, no digest match in src and dest -> keep elif ( self.is_arch_relevant(push_item, dest_arch) and source_details is not None and (dest_digest, dest_arch) not in source_manifest_data ): keep_archs.append(dest_arch) # Option C: arch is relevant, src doesn't exist (digest match not possible)-> remove elif self.is_arch_relevant(push_item, dest_arch) and source_details is None: remove_archs.append(dest_arch) # Option D: arch is not relevant -> keep else: keep_archs.append(dest_arch) return (remove_archs, keep_archs)
[docs] def tag_add_calculate_archs( self, push_item: Any, tag: str, executor: Executor ) -> Optional[List[str]]: """ Calculate which architectures are present in a given tag, and which ones would be added. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Push item to perform the workflow with. tag (str): Tag, for which an 'add' operation will be performed. executor (Executor): Instance of Executor subclass used for skopeo inspect. Returns (Optional[List[str]]): In case of multiarch image, arches which would be copied to the destination. In case of a source image, None if the copy operation is relevant or [] otherwise. """ full_repo_schema = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}" namespace = self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] internal_repo = get_internal_container_repo_name(list(push_item.repos.keys())[0]) full_repo = full_repo_schema.format( host=self.quay_host, namespace=namespace, repo=internal_repo ) source_image = "{0}:{1}".format(full_repo, push_item.metadata["tag_source"]) dest_image = "{0}:{1}".format(full_repo, tag) source_details = self.get_image_details(source_image, executor) dest_details = self.get_image_details(dest_image, executor) if source_details is None: raise BadPushItem("Source image must be specified if add operation was requested") if dest_details and source_details.manifest_type != dest_details.manifest_type: raise BadPushItem( "Mismatch between manifest types of source {0}:{1} and tag {2}:{3}".format( push_item.metadata["tag_source"], source_details.manifest_type, tag, dest_details.manifest_type, ) ) # Scenario 1: source image if source_details.manifest_type in ( TagDocker.MANIFEST_V2S2_TYPE, TagDocker.MANIFEST_OCI_V2S2_TYPE, ): # source arch is relevant, proceed with copying the source image if self.is_arch_relevant(push_item, "amd64"): return None # arch is irrelevant we want no-op else: return [] # Scenario 2: multiarch image if source_details.manifest_type in ( TagDocker.MANIFEST_LIST_TYPE, TagDocker.MANIFEST_OCI_LIST_TYPE, ): add_archs = [ m["platform"]["architecture"] for m in source_details.manifest["manifests"] if self.is_arch_relevant(push_item, m["platform"]["architecture"]) ] return add_archs # this should never happen return [] # pragma: no cover
[docs] def copy_tag_sign_images(self, push_item: Any, tag: str, executor: Executor) -> None: """ Copy image from source to the destination tag and sign new manifest claims. If destination tag already contains a manifest, it will be overwritten. This workflow is expected to use on single-arch source images. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Push item to perform the workflow with. tag (str): Tag, which acts as a destination to the copy operation. executor (Executor): Instance of Executor subclass used for skopeo inspect. """ full_repo_schema = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}" external_image_schema = "{host}/{repo}:{tag}" namespace = self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] repo = list(push_item.repos.keys())[0] internal_repo = get_internal_container_repo_name(repo) full_repo = full_repo_schema.format( host=self.quay_host, namespace=namespace, repo=internal_repo ) source_image = "{0}:{1}".format(full_repo, push_item.metadata["tag_source"]) dest_image = "{0}:{1}".format(full_repo, tag) "Source image tag '{0}' will be copied to destination '{1}'".format( push_item.metadata["tag_source"], tag ) ) to_sign_entries = [] to_sign_entries_internal = [] current_signatures: List[Any] = [] details = self.get_image_details(source_image, executor) if not details: raise BadPushItem("Source image must be specified if add operation was requested") registries = self.target_settings["docker_settings"]["docker_reference_registry"] if details.manifest_type in ( TagDocker.MANIFEST_LIST_TYPE, TagDocker.MANIFEST_OCI_LIST_TYPE, ): raise ValueError("Tagging workflow is not supported for multiarch images") if push_item.claims_signing_key: for registry in registries: # add entries in internal format for cosign to_sign_entries_internal.append( SignEntry( repo=repo, pub_reference=f"{registry}/{repo}:{tag}", reference="" + self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] + "/" + internal_repo + ":" + tag, digest=details.digest, signing_key=push_item.claims_signing_key, arch="amd64", ) ) reference = external_image_schema.format(host=registry, repo=repo, tag=tag) to_sign_entries.append( SignEntry( repo=repo, pub_reference="", reference=reference, digest=details.digest, signing_key=push_item.claims_signing_key, arch="amd64", ) ) item_processor = item_processor_for_internal_data( self.quay_client, self.target_settings["quay_host"].rstrip("/"), self.dest_registries, self.target_settings.get("retry_sleep_time", 5), self.target_settings["quay_namespace"], ) outdated_manifests = [] existing_manifests = item_processor.generate_existing_manifests_metadata(push_item) for repo, _tag, mad in existing_manifests: if not mad: continue if _tag == tag: outdated_manifests.append((mad.digest, tag, repo)) set_aws_kms_environment_variables(self.target_settings, "cosign_signer") for _signer in self.target_settings["signing"]: if _signer["enabled"]: signercls = SIGNER_BY_LABEL[_signer["label"]] signer = signercls( config_file=_signer["config_file"], settings=self.target_settings ) # exclude should be bool, and outdated manifests should be list? if outdated_manifests: signer.remove_signatures(outdated_manifests, _exclude=current_signatures) if SIGNER_BY_LABEL[_signer["label"]].pre_push: signer.sign_containers( to_sign_entries, task_id=self.task_id, ) ContainerImagePusher.run_tag_images(source_image, [dest_image], True, self.target_settings) if push_item.claims_signing_key: set_aws_kms_environment_variables(self.target_settings, "cosign_signer") for _signer in self.target_settings["signing"]: if _signer["enabled"] and not SIGNER_BY_LABEL[_signer["label"]].pre_push: signercls = SIGNER_BY_LABEL[_signer["label"]] signer = signercls( config_file=_signer["config_file"], settings=self.target_settings ) signer.sign_containers( to_sign_entries_internal, task_id=self.task_id, )
[docs] def merge_manifest_lists_sign_images( self, push_item: Any, tag: str, add_archs: List[str] ) -> None: """ Merge manifest lists between source and destination tag and sign manifest claims. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Push item to perform the workflow with. tag (str): Tag, which acts as a destination to the merge operation. add_archs ([str]): Architectures which should be copied to the existing manifest list. """ "Architectures {0} of tag '{1}' will be copied to destination tag '{2}'".format( add_archs, push_item.metadata["tag_source"], tag ) ) full_repo_schema = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}" external_image_schema = "{host}/{repo}:{tag}" namespace = self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] repo = list(push_item.repos.keys())[0] internal_repo = get_internal_container_repo_name(repo) full_repo = full_repo_schema.format( host=self.quay_host, namespace=namespace, repo=internal_repo ) source_image = "{0}:{1}".format(full_repo, push_item.metadata["tag_source"]) dest_image = "{0}:{1}".format(full_repo, tag) # NOTE: Arch images don't need to be copied, since they already exist in the same repo merger = ManifestListMerger(source_image, dest_image) merger.set_quay_clients(self.quay_client, self.quay_client) new_manifest_list = merger.merge_manifest_lists_selected_architectures(add_archs) dest_registries = self.target_settings["docker_settings"]["docker_reference_registry"] current_signatures: list[Any] = [] outdated_manifests = [] if push_item.claims_signing_key: to_sign_entries = [] to_sign_entries_internal = [] for manifest in new_manifest_list["manifests"]: for registry in dest_registries: to_sign_entries_internal.append( SignEntry( repo=repo, pub_reference=f"{registry}/{repo}:{tag}", reference="" + self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] + "/" + internal_repo + ":" + tag, digest=manifest["digest"], arch=manifest["platform"]["architecture"], signing_key=push_item.claims_signing_key, ) ) reference = external_image_schema.format(host=registry, repo=repo, tag=tag) to_sign_entries.append( SignEntry( repo=repo, pub_reference="", reference=reference, digest=manifest["digest"], arch=manifest["platform"]["architecture"], signing_key=push_item.claims_signing_key, ) ) current_signatures.append( (reference, manifest["digest"], push_item.claims_signing_key) ) item_processor = item_processor_for_internal_data( self.quay_client, self.target_settings["quay_host"].rstrip("/"), self.dest_registries, self.target_settings.get("retry_sleep_time", 5), self.target_settings["quay_namespace"], ) for repo, _tag, mad in item_processor.generate_existing_manifests_metadata(push_item): if not mad: continue if ( mad.digest not in [manifest["digest"] for manifest in new_manifest_list["manifests"]] and tag == _tag ): outdated_manifests.append((mad.digest, tag, repo)) for signer in self.target_settings["signing"]: if signer["enabled"] and SIGNER_BY_LABEL[signer["label"]].pre_push: signercls = SIGNER_BY_LABEL[signer["label"]] signer = signercls( config_file=signer["config_file"], settings=self.target_settings ) if outdated_manifests: signer.remove_signatures(outdated_manifests, _exclude=current_signatures) signer.sign_containers( to_sign_entries, task_id=self.task_id, ) raw_src_manifest = cast(str, self.quay_client.get_manifest(source_image, raw=True)) # Special case: if the source manifest and the merged manifest are the same, upload the # raw source manifest. The reason is that otherwise the digests of the copied manifests # will not correspond due to Python dicitonaries randomizing the element order if sorted( new_manifest_list["manifests"], key=lambda manifest: manifest["digest"] ) == sorted( json.loads(raw_src_manifest)["manifests"], key=lambda manifest: manifest["digest"] ): ml_to_sign = raw_src_manifest self.quay_client.upload_manifest(raw_src_manifest, dest_image, raw=True) else: ml_to_sign = json.dumps(new_manifest_list, sort_keys=True, indent=4) self.quay_client.upload_manifest(new_manifest_list, dest_image) if push_item.claims_signing_key: # for cosign sign also manifest list digest = "sha256:" + hashlib.sha256(ml_to_sign.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() for pub_registry in dest_registries: to_sign_entries_internal.append( SignEntry( repo=repo, pub_reference=f"{pub_registry}/{repo}:{tag}", reference="" + self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] + "/" + internal_repo + ":" + tag, digest=digest, arch="", signing_key=push_item.claims_signing_key, ) ) set_aws_kms_environment_variables(self.target_settings, "cosign_signer") for signer in self.target_settings["signing"]: if signer["enabled"] and not SIGNER_BY_LABEL[signer["label"]].pre_push: signercls = SIGNER_BY_LABEL[signer["label"]] signer = signercls( config_file=signer["config_file"], settings=self.target_settings ) signer.remove_signatures(outdated_manifests, _exclude=current_signatures) signer.sign_containers( to_sign_entries_internal, task_id=self.task_id, )
[docs] @classmethod def run_untag_images( cls, references: List[str], remove_last: bool, target_settings: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """ Prepare the "untag images" entrypoint with all the necessary arguments and run it. Args: references ([str]): Image references which should be untagged. remove_last (bool): Whether to remove a tag when it's the last reference of an image (in that repo). target_settings (dict): Settings used for setting the value of untag parameters. """ untag_images( references=references, quay_api_token=target_settings["dest_quay_api_token"], remove_last=remove_last, quay_user=target_settings["dest_quay_user"], quay_password=target_settings["dest_quay_password"], )
[docs] def untag_image(self, push_item: Any, tag: str) -> None: """ Untag image specified by tag. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Push item to perform the workflow with. tag (str): Tag which should be removed. """"Tag '{0}' will be removed".format(tag)) full_repo_schema = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}" namespace = self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] item_processor = item_processor_for_internal_data( self.quay_client, self.target_settings["quay_host"].rstrip("/"), self.dest_registries, self.target_settings.get("retry_sleep_time", 5), self.target_settings["quay_namespace"], ) to_unsign_entries = [] for to_unsign_entry in item_processor.generate_to_unsign(push_item): to_unsign_entries.append((to_unsign_entry["digest"], tag, to_unsign_entry["repo"])) internal_repo = get_internal_container_repo_name(list(push_item.repos.keys())[0]) full_repo = full_repo_schema.format( host=self.quay_host, namespace=namespace, repo=internal_repo ) dest_image = "{0}:{1}".format(full_repo, tag) for signer in self.target_settings["signing"]: if signer["enabled"]: signercls = SIGNER_BY_LABEL[signer["label"]] signer = signercls(config_file=signer["config_file"], settings=self.target_settings) signer.remove_signatures(to_unsign_entries, _exclude=[]) self.run_untag_images([dest_image], True, self.target_settings)
[docs] def manifest_list_remove_archs(self, push_item: Any, tag: str, remove_archs: List[str]) -> None: """ Remove specified archs from a manifest list and upload a new manifest list to Quay. Args: push_item (ContainerPushItem): Push item to perform the workflow with. tag (str): Tag whose manifest's archs will be removed. remove_archs ([str]): Architectures to remove from the manifest list. """"Architectures {0} of tag '{1}' will be removed".format(remove_archs, tag)) full_repo_schema = "{host}/{namespace}/{repo}" namespace = self.target_settings["quay_namespace"] internal_repo = get_internal_container_repo_name(list(push_item.repos.keys())[0]) full_repo = full_repo_schema.format( host=self.quay_host, namespace=namespace, repo=internal_repo ) dest_image = "{0}:{1}".format(full_repo, tag) manifest_list = cast(ManifestList, self.quay_client.get_manifest(dest_image)) keep_manifests = [] remove_manifest_sigs = [] for manifest in manifest_list["manifests"]: if manifest["platform"]["architecture"] not in remove_archs: keep_manifests.append(deepcopy(manifest)) else: remove_manifest_sigs.append(manifest) new_manifest_list = deepcopy(manifest_list) new_manifest_list["manifests"] = keep_manifests to_remove_sig_entries = [] for to_remove_man in remove_manifest_sigs: to_remove_sig_entries.append( (to_remove_man["digest"], tag, list(push_item.repos.keys())[0]) ) for signer in self.target_settings["signing"]: if signer["enabled"]: signercls = SIGNER_BY_LABEL[signer["label"]] signer = signercls(config_file=signer["config_file"], settings=self.target_settings) signer.remove_signatures(to_remove_sig_entries, _exclude=[]) self.quay_client.upload_manifest(new_manifest_list, dest_image)
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """ Perform the full tag-docker workflow. The workflow adds or removes images to/from given tags. It's possible to specify only certain architectures to be added or removed. Based on the task arguments, five different scenarios may occur: - Copying whole image to tag (if tag is unused, or all its archs will be overwritten) - Copying only certain archs and adding them to the destination manifest list - Removing certain archs from a tag - Removing a tag (if all archs are to be removed from it) - No operation (to-be-removed tag already doesn't exist, or all archs are restricted) The workflow may be summarized as: - Verify that all repos may be worked with (same conditions are in PushDocker) - Evaluate which archs are to be added/removed from a given tag - If new images were created, perform signing workflow on them - Perform the appropriate add/remove/merge operation """ # Validate repos, same as in PushDocker PushDocker.check_repos_validity(self.push_items, self.hub, self.target_settings) # perform tag-docker-specific checks self.check_input_validity() with LocalExecutor() as executor: executor.skopeo_login( self.quay_host, self.target_settings["dest_quay_user"], self.target_settings["dest_quay_password"], ) for item in self.push_items: for tag in item.metadata["add_tags"]:"Processing add tag '{0}'".format(tag)) add_archs = self.tag_add_calculate_archs(item, tag, executor) # If all archs were somehow excluded from being added, no-op if add_archs == []: LOG.warning("No archs can be added to tag '{0}', skipping".format(tag)) continue # If None, we're dealing with a source image and we want to copy to destination elif add_archs is None: self.copy_tag_sign_images(item, tag, executor) # Otherwise, merge relevant archs of source and dest else: self.merge_manifest_lists_sign_images(item, tag, add_archs) for tag in item.metadata["remove_tags"]:"Processing remove tag '{0}'".format(tag)) remove_archs, keep_archs = self.tag_remove_calculate_archs(item, tag, executor) # If all archs were somehow excluded from removal, no-op if not remove_archs: LOG.warning("No archs can be removed from tag '{0}', skipping".format(tag)) continue # If no archs will remain after removal, just perform untagging elif not keep_archs: self.check_input_validity_remove(item, tag) self.untag_image(item, tag) # if some archs will be removed and some will remain, create new manifest list else: self.manifest_list_remove_archs(item, tag, remove_archs)
def mod_entry_point( push_items: List[Any], hub: Any, task_id: str, target_name: str, target_settings: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """Entry point for use in another python code.""" tag_docker = TagDocker(push_items, hub, task_id, target_name, target_settings) return