Clear repo

Entrypoint used for clearing Quay repositories. All images will be removed from the specified repo, while the repo will not be deleted. Signatures of the deleted images will be removed.

CLI reference

usage: pubtools-quay-clear-repo [-h] --repositories REPOSITORIES
                                [--quay-host QUAY_HOST] --quay-org QUAY_ORG
                                [--quay-api-token QUAY_API_TOKEN] --quay-user
                                QUAY_USER [--quay-password QUAY_PASSWORD]
                                --pyxis-server PYXIS_SERVER
                                --pyxis-ssl-crtfile PYXIS_SSL_CRTFILE
                                --pyxis-ssl-keyfile PYXIS_SSL_KEYFILE
                                [--pyxis-request-threads PYXIS_REQUEST_THREADS]
                                [--signers SIGNERS]
                                [--signer-configs SIGNER_CONFIGS]

Named Arguments


External repositories to clear as CSV.


Quay host name

Default: “”


Quay organization in which repositories reside.


OAuth token for Quay REST API.


Username for Quay login.


Password for Quay. Can be specified by env variable QUAY_PASSWORD.


Pyxis service hostname


Path to .crt file for the SSL authentication


Path to .key file for the SSL authentication


Maximum number of threads to use for parallel pyxis request

Default: 7


Comma separated list of signers

Default: “”


Comma separated list of paths to signer configs

Default: “”

API reference

pubtools._quay.clear_repo.clear_repositories(repositories: str, settings: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]

Clear Quay repository.

repository (str):

External repositories to clear. Comma separated values.

settings (dict):
quay_org (str):

Quay organization in which repositories reside.

quay_api_token (str):

OAuth token for authentication of Quay REST API.

quay_user (str):

Quay username for Docker HTTP API.

quay_password (str):

Quay password for Docker HTTP API.

pyxis_server (str):

Pyxis service hostname:

pyxis_ssl_crtfile (str):

Path to .crt file for SSL authentication.

pyxis_ssl_keyfile (str):

Path to .key file for SSL authentication.


Maximum number of threads to use for parallel pyxis request.


Clear multiple repos

$ export QUAY_PASSWORD=token
$ export QUAY_API_TOKEN=oauth_token
$ pubtools-quay-clear-repo \
  --repositories namespace/repo1,namespace/repo2 \
  --quay-org quay-organization
  --quay-user quay+username \
  --pyxis-server \
  --pyxis-krb-principal pyxis-principal \