Manifest list merger
This class handles the merging of manifest lists, as well as other use-cases which require manifest list modifications.
- class pubtools._quay.manifest_list_merger.ManifestListMerger(src_image: str, dest_image: str, src_quay_host: Optional[str] = None, src_quay_username: Optional[str] = None, src_quay_password: Optional[str] = None, dest_quay_username: Optional[str] = None, dest_quay_password: Optional[str] = None, host: Optional[str] = None)[source]
Class containing logic for merging manifest lists of two images.
- merge_manifest_lists() None [source]
Merge manifest lists and upload to Quay. Main entrypoint method.
- __init__(src_image: str, dest_image: str, src_quay_host: Optional[str] = None, src_quay_username: Optional[str] = None, src_quay_password: Optional[str] = None, dest_quay_username: Optional[str] = None, dest_quay_password: Optional[str] = None, host: Optional[str] = None) None [source]
- Args:
- src_image (str):
Address to a new image whose manifest list contains the newer data.
- dest_image (str):
Address to an older image whose data will be overwritten.
- src_quay_host (str):
Custom hostname to connect to use for pulling src_image.
- src_quay_username (str):
Quay username to get src_image. If ommited, external client instance should be set.
- src_quay_password (str):
Quay password to get src_image. If ommited, external client instance should be set.
- dest_quay_username (str):
Quay username to get dest_image. If ommited, external client instance should be set.
- dest_quay_password (str):
Quay password to get dest_image. If ommited, external client instance should be set.
- host (str):
Custom hostname to connect to. If ommited, standard will be used.
- set_quay_clients(src_quay_client: QuayClient, dest_quay_client: QuayClient) None [source]
Set client instances to be used for the HTTP API operations.
- Args:
- src_quay_client (QuayClient):
Instance of QuayClient.
- dest_quay_client (QuayClient):
Instance of QuayClient.
- static get_missing_architectures(src_manifest_list: ManifestList, dest_manifest_list: ManifestList) List[Manifest] [source]
Get architectures which are missing from the new source image.
NOTE: this method assumes that images are built only for one OS. The following logic would need to be overwritten if multiple OS builds started to be made.
- Args:
- src_manifest_list (dict):
Manifest list of the source image.
- dest_manifest_list (dict):
Manifest list of the destination image.
- Returns ([dict]):
List of arch manifest data present in destination image but missing from source.
- _add_missing_architectures(src_manifest_list: ManifestList, missing_archs: List[Manifest]) ManifestList [source]
Add missing architectures to the source manifest list.
- Args:
- src_manifest_list (dict):
Source manifest list.
- missing_archs ([dict]):
Manifest data of missing architectures.
- Retuns (dict):
New manifest list containing all the architectures.
- merge_manifest_lists_selected_architectures(eligible_archs: List[str]) ManifestList [source]
Merge manifests lists. Only specified archs are eligible for merging.
This is an alternate workflow used in ‘tag-docker’.
- Args:
- eligible_archs ([str]):
Archs eligible for merging with the old manifest list.
- Returns (dict):
New manifest list.