Source code for starmap_client.providers.base

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, TypeVar

from starmap_client.models import QueryResponse, QueryResponseContainer, QueryResponseEntity

T = TypeVar("T", QueryResponse, QueryResponseContainer, QueryResponseEntity)

[docs] class StarmapProvider(ABC, Generic[T]): """Define the interface for a local mappings provider.""" api = "default" """The provider's API level implementation."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def query(self, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[T]: """Retrieve the mapping without using the server. It relies in the local provider to retrieve the correct mapping according to the parameters. Args: params (dict): The request params to retrieve the mapping. Returns: The requested mapping when found. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def list_content(self) -> List[T]: """Return a list with all stored responses."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def store(self, response: T) -> None: """Store a single response into the local provider. Args: response (response): The object to store. """