Source: pub

The pub push source allows the loading of content from an instance of Pub.

Supported content types:

  • AMIs

  • VHDs

pub source URLs

The base form of an pub source URL is:


For example, referencing a single task would look like:


The provided Pub URL should be the base URL of the service, and not any specific API endpoint.

Python API reference

class pushsource.PubSource(url, task_id, threads=4, timeout=14400)[source]

Uses push item list from Pub as the source of push items.

__init__(url, task_id, threads=4, timeout=14400)[source]

Create a new source.

  • url (src) – Base URL of Pub Tool, e.g. “”, “”.

  • task_id (int, str, list[str], list[int]) – Task ID(s) to be used as push item source. If a single string is given, multiple IDs may be comma-separated.

  • threads (int) – Number of threads used for concurrent queries to Pub.

  • timeout (int) – Number of seconds after which an error is raised, if no progress is made during queries to Pub.