Source: registry

The registry push source allows the loading of content from a container image registry.

Supported content types:

  • Container images

  • Source container images

registry source URLs

The base form of a Registry source URL is:


..where each pullspec is of the form used by tools such as docker pull, with the following restrictions:

  • the pullspec must reference an image by tag (not digest)

  • the pullspec must always include the registry hostname

For example, the following URL accesses a single image by tag:


If the registry host requires authentication, credentials for the registry must be available from $HOME/.docker/config.json using the same format as consumed by docker and podman.

Python API reference

class pushsource.RegistrySource(image, dest=None, dest_signing_key=None, product_name=None)[source]

Uses a container image registry as a source of push items.

__init__(image, dest=None, dest_signing_key=None, product_name=None)[source]

Create a new source.

  • image (str, list[str]) –

    Pull spec(s) of container images, as a list or a comma-separated string.

    Each pull spec must include a hostname and a tag; referencing images by digest is currently not supported. is an example of a valid pull spec.

  • dest (str, list[str]) – If provided, this value will be used to populate dest() on generated push items.

  • dest_signing_key (str, list[str]) –

    If provided, this value will be used to populate dest_signing_key() on generated push items.

    Note that, as each item holds only a single dest_signing_key, using this argument can affect the number of generated push items. For example, providing two keys would produce double the amount of push items as providing a single key.

  • product_name (str) – If provided, this value will be used to populate product_name() on generated push items.