
This section describes the supported values for the --credentials command line argument.

Expected format

Overall format

Each credential file must be in the following format:

  "marketplace_account": "CLOUD_ALIAS",
      "KEY": "VALUE", // ...

The supported values for the key marketplace_account are described below:

Marketplace accounts (push)

Required when using the “marketplace” or “combined” workflow

  • aws-na

  • aws-emea

  • azure-na

  • azure-emea

Storage accounts (community-push)

Required when using the “community” or “combined” workflow

  • aws-us-storage

  • aws-us-gov-storage

  • aws-china-storage

Auth format

The KEYs and VALUEs for the auth object are specific for each Cloud Provider implementation.

AWS Format

The following properties are supported for AWS auth:

  • AWS_IMAGE_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS access key for uploading the images and import them as AMIs

  • AWS_IMAGE_SECRET_ACCESS: The AWS secret key for uploading the images and import them as AMIs

  • AWS_MARKETPLACE_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS access key for publishing a new product version with its AMI into the marketplace

  • AWS_MARKETPLACE_SECRET_ACCESS: The AWS secret key for publishing a new product version with its AMI into the marketplace

  • AWS_ACCESS_ROLE_ARN: IAM role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used by AWS Marketplace to access the provided AMI. For details about creating and using this ARN, see Giving AWS Marketplace access to your AMI in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide.

  • AWS_GROUPS: The default sharing accounts for uploading and importing AMIs

  • AWS_SNAPSHOT_ACCOUNTS: The default sharing snapshot accounts for uploading and importing AMIs

  • AWS_REGION: The default region for uploading and importing AMIs

  • AWS_S3_BUCKET: The S3 bucket name to upload the raw VM images


  "AWS_IMAGE_ACCESS_KEY": "******************",
  "AWS_IMAGE_SECRET_ACCESS": "***************",
  "AWS_MARKETPLACE_ACCESS_KEY": "******************",
  "AWS_MARKETPLACE_SECRET_ACCESS": "******************",
  "AWS_ACCESS_ROLE_ARN": "******************",
  "AWS_GROUPS": [],
  "AWS_REGION": "us-east-1",
  "AWS_S3_BUCKET": "******************"

Azure Format

The following properties are supported for AWS auth:

  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: The tenant ID for publishing a new product version

  • AZURE_PUBLISHER_NAME: The publisher name for publishing a new product version

  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: The Azure’s AD Client ID to communicate with Microsoft APIs

  • AZURE_API_SECRET: The Azure’s AD Client Secret to communicate with Microsoft APIs

  • AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING: The Azure Storage Account connection string to upload VHD images

  "AZURE_TENANT_ID": "******************",
  "AZURE_PUBLISHER_NAME": "*************",
  "AZURE_API_SECRET": "******************",
  "AZURE_CLIENT_ID": "*******************",
  "AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING": "******************"


Example for AWS NA:

  "marketplace_account": "aws-na",
      "AWS_IMAGE_ACCESS_KEY": "******************",
      "AWS_IMAGE_SECRET_ACCESS": "***************",
      "AWS_MARKETPLACE_ACCESS_KEY": "******************",
      "AWS_MARKETPLACE_SECRET_ACCESS": "******************",
      "AWS_ACCESS_ROLE_ARN": "******************",
      "AWS_GROUPS": [],
      "AWS_REGION": "us-east-1",
      "AWS_S3_BUCKET": "******************"

Example for Azure NA:

  "marketplace_account": "azure-na",
  "auth": {
      "AZURE_TENANT_ID": "******************",
      "AZURE_PUBLISHER_NAME": "*************",
      "AZURE_API_SECRET": "******************",
      "AZURE_CLIENT_ID": "*******************",
      "AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING": "******************"

CLI parameter format

Once the credentials are properly crafted, then can be passed to the tooling in one of the following ways:

Credentials as files

It’s possible to storage each credential into a single JSON file and passing the path for all files using a comma delimited string for the parameter --credentials:

--credentials PATH_TO_CREDS_1.json,PATH_TO_CREDS_2.json,PATH_TO_CREDS3.json

The tooling will split the string by comma (,) and open/parse each credential file for loading its credentials.

Note that the parameter --credentials support only a single string argument. Avoid using space as bash may consider it two or more arguments.

Credentials as list of base64 string

Another way to pass the credentials is to encode each credential JSON into a base64 string and passing it as a list of encoded strings separated by comma (,).

Since comma will never be used on base64 encoding the tooling will first split the string into multiple substrings of base64 encoding, each one representing a single credentials.

## Convert each creds to a base64 encoded string
for i in PATH_TO_CREDS_1.json PATH_TO_CREDS_2.json PATH_TO_CREDS3.json; do
  cat $i | base64

## Join the output into a single line and then

--credentials BASE64_STRING_1,BASE64_STRING_2,BASE64_STRING_3

Note that the parameter --credentials support only a single string argument. Avoid using space as bash may consider it two or more arguments.


Using the path mode:

pubtools-marketplacesvm-push \
--credentials creds/aws-na.json,creds/aws-emea.json,creds/azure-na.json,creds/azure-emea.json \

Using the base64 mode:

pubtools-marketplacesvm-push \
--credentials ewogICAgIm1hcmtWNlX[...],ewogICAgIm1hcmtldH[...],ewogICAgIm1hcmtl[...],ewogICAgIm1hcmtldHBsYW[...] \