Delete an image from a cloud provider.
usage: pubtools-marketplacesvm-delete [-h] [--debug] [--rhsm-url RHSM_URL]
[--rhsm-cert RHSM_CERT]
[--rhsm-key RHSM_KEY]
[--credentials CREDENTIALS]
[--builds BUILDS] [--dry-run]
source [source ...]
Positional Arguments¶
- source
Source(s) of content to be pushed
Named Arguments¶
- --debug, -d
Show debug logs; can be provided up to three times to enable more logs
Default: 0
- --builds
The builds to delete images from
- --dry-run
Skip destructive actions on rhsm or AWS
Default: False
- --keep-snapshot
Do not delete snapshot from AWS
Default: False
RHSM service¶
- --rhsm-url
Base URL of the RHSM API
- --rhsm-cert
RHSM API certificate path (or set RHSM_CERT environment variable)
- --rhsm-key
RHSM API key path (or set RHSM_KEY environment variable)
Cloud Service¶
- --credentials
Path to the credentials files separated by comma or base64 encoded credentials separated by comma (or set CLOUD_CREDENTIALS environment variable)
Default: “”
- --azure-allow-draft-push
Allow publishing to draft offers on Azure.
Default: False
Delete Example¶
A typical invocation of delete would look like this:
pubtools-marketplacesvm-delete \
--credentials PATH_TO_CREDS_1.json,PATH_TO_CREDS_2.json \
--builds build1,build2 \
--keep-snapshot \
--dry-run \
Credentials Format¶
Each credential file must be in the following format:
"marketplace_account": "aws-XX",
"AWS_IMAGE_ACCESS_KEY": "******************",
"AWS_IMAGE_SECRET_ACCESS": "***************",
"AWS_MARKETPLACE_ACCESS_KEY": "******************",
"AWS_MARKETPLACE_SECRET_ACCESS": "******************",
"AWS_ACCESS_ROLE_ARN": "******************",
"AWS_REGION": "us-east-1",
"AWS_S3_BUCKET": "******************"
Being the XX NA
Supported Sources¶
The tooling supports the PubSource from pushsource
All VM images only support pub source. The data from pub gives the task information on the corresponding cloud provider and published to its marketplace.
End url is the task id that information will be used to delete the image: