Destination Mapping

The destination mapping is given by an internal service named StArMap throught the Starmap Client library.

The tool expects a valid endpoint to the StArMap service and/or a JSON string containing the list of mappings using the parameter --repo.

The following sections will cover all the details about the destination mappings.

NOTE: This tooling supports the input format for StArMap APIv2 only.

Mapping request modes

Online mode

In this mode the tooling will use the Starmap Client library to connect into a StArMap server to provide the mappings for each VMIPushItem into the proper marketplace destination.

To initiate the tooling into the “online mode” it’s just a matter of providing a valid StArMap server URL

--starmap-url https://starmap.base.url

The workflow will be executed like this:

# For each incoming "VMIPushItem" get its destination data from StArMap
# using the image name and version
curl -S https://starmap.base.url/api/v2/query?name=IMG_NAME&version=IMG_VER

# If mapping not defined => fail; else
# Upload and publish the VMs into the proper destinations

Offline mode

In this mode the tooling will use the Starmap Client library to load the mappings from the --repo argument and use these mappings to upload and publish each VMIPushItem into the proper marketplace destination. In this mode it will fail any VMIPushItem which doesn’t have a mapping specified on --repo.

Note that no network calls will be made to the StArMap server in this mode, so the --starmap-url can be any fake url.

To initiate the tooling into the “offline mode” you must specify the --repo mappings as well as the flag --offline:

--starmap-url https://some.fake.url \
--repo "{...}" \

The workflow will be executed like this:

# For each incoming "VMIPushItem" get its destination data from --repo
# using the image name and the desired workflow
# If mapping not defined => fail; else
# Upload and publish the VMs into the proper destinations

Hybrid mode

In this mode the tooling will use the Starmap Client library to load the mappings from the --repo argument and use these mappings to upload and publish each VMIPushItem into the proper marketplace destination. Howevever, if a certain mapping is not defined on repo it will request the data from the StArMap server.

Note that no network calls will be made to the StArMap server in this mode, so the --starmap-url can be any fake url.

To initiate the tooling into the “offline mode” you must specify the --repo mappings as well as valid StArMap server URL for fallback:

--starmap-url https://starmap.base.url \
--repo "{...}"

The workflow will be executed like this:

# For each incoming "VMIPushItem" get its destination data from --repo
# using the image name.
# If mapping not defined call the StArMap server
curl -S https://starmap.base.url/api/v2/query?name=IMG_NAME&version=IMG_VER
# If mapping is still not defined => fail; else
# Upload and publish the VMs into the proper destinations

Mapping Format

The value for the --repo argument expects a JSON list which represents a QueryResponseContainer data with one or more QueryResponseEntity objects as elements.

The StArMap APIv2 QueryResponseContainer has the following format:

        "name": "str",
        "cloud": "str",
        "workflow": "str",
        "mappings": {"obj"},
        "billing-code-config": {},
        "meta": {}
  • name: The name from the image’s NVR. It will be used to match the propre VM artifact.

  • cloud: The name of the targeted cloud marketplace. It currently supports aws or azure.

  • workflow: Can be either community or stratosphere and it’s used to match the tooling workflow.

  • mappings: The clouds object with the marketplace name and its destinations and metadata

  • billing-code-config (optional): An entry which is only mandatory for the community workflow. It describes the billing code configuration to be applied to the AMIs.

  • meta (optional): An entry which aims to set the global metadata, which has less precedence than lower meta keys.

The mappings object has the following format:

   "destinations": [
        "architecture": "str",
        "destination": "str",
        "meta": {"obj"},
        "overwrite": "bool",
        "provider": "str",
        "restrict_version": "bool",
        "restrict_major": "bool",
        "restrict_minor": "bool",
        "tags": {}
   "provider": "str",
   "meta": {}
  • MARKETPLACE_NAME: A string matching a single marketplace_account from credentials. E.g. aws-na. It’s used the retrieve the proper credentials to upload and publish into the given marketplace.

  • destinations: A list of destination objects, which are described in the next sub-section.

  • provider (optional): An entry for defining the provider. It’s mandatory of the community workflow only.

  • meta (optional): An entry which aims to set the mid level metadata, which has higher precedence than global meta and lower than destination’s one.

Destination objects format:

  • architecture: A string representing the VM image architecture to publish. E.g. x86_64.

  • destination: A string representing a offer/plan destination for the image to be published. E.g. offer_1/plan_1.

  • meta (optional): An object with any key/values which may be threated as complementary metadata for publishing on marketplaces. It has higher precedence than upper levels.

  • overwrite: A boolean indicating whenever the image should replace the existing version (true) in the marketplace.

  • provider (optional): A string meant to be used only on community workflow. It indicates the provider name (AWS, AGOV, ACN). It receives the value from mappings.provider.

  • restrict_version: A boolean for AWS marketplace only which indicates whether a previous version need to be restricted after publishing.

  • restrict_major (optional): An optional boolean indicating whether to restrict a major version. Only applicable if restrict_version is set to true.

  • restrict_minor (optional): An optional boolean indicating whether to restrict a minor version. Only applicable if restrict_version is set to true.

  • tags (optional): An object with any key/values to be applied as tags once the VM images are uploaded.


An Azure mapping for RHEL using the architecture x86_64:

curl -S 'https://starmap.base.url/api/v2/query?name=rhel-azure&version=8.0'
        "name": "rhel-azure",
        "cloud": "azure",
        "workflow": "stratosphere",
        "meta": {"generation": "V2"}
        "mappings": {
            "azure-na": {
                "destinations": [
                        "architecture": "x86_64",
                        "destination": "rh-rhel-test/rh-rhel8-internal",
                        "overwrite": false,
                        "restrict_version": false,
                "meta": {"support_legacy": true}

An AWS mapping for RHEL using the architecture x86_64:

curl -S 'https://starmap.base.url/api/v2/query?name=rhel-ec2'
        "name": "rhel-ec2",
        "cloud": "aws",
        "workflow": "stratosphere",
        "mappings": {
            "aws-na": {
                "destinations": [
                        "architecture": "x86_64",
                        "destination": "d87bcebf-9cf4-47f5-9b5b-5470d4490f3d",
                        "overwrite": false,
                        "restrict_version": true,
        "meta": {
            "description": "Provided by Red Hat, Inc.",
            "ena_support": true,
            "marketplace_entity_type": "AmiProduct",
            "recommended_instance_type": "m5dn.2xlarge",
            "release": {
                "product": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux",
                "type": "ga",
                "variant": "Server"
            "release_notes": "{major_version}/html/{major_minor}_release_notes/index",
            "root_device": "/dev/sda1",
            "scanning_port": 22,
            "security_groups": [
                    "from_port": 22,
                    "ip_protocol": "tcp",
                    "ip_ranges": [
                    "to_port": 22
            "sriov_net_support": "simple",
            "usage_instructions": "Access your instance via ssh using the default username \"ec2-user\" and the ssh key registered with AWS. This product provides access to multiple versions. When launching with 1-click launch, please pay attention to the version. You have the ability to select another version of the RHEL image (including RHEL 8 and newer) when launching from the full AWS Marketplace website.",
            "user_name": "ec2-user",
            "virtualization": "hvm",
            "volume": "gp2"
        "name": "rhel-ec2",
        "workflow": "community",
        "cloud": "aws",
        "billing-code-config": {
            "rhel-access": {
                "codes": [
                "image_name": "rhel",
                "image_types": [
                "name": "Access2"
            "rhel-hourly": {
                "codes": [
                "image_name": "rhel",
                "image_types": [
                "name": "Hourly2"
        "mappings": {
            "aws-us-storage": {
                "destinations": [
                        "architecture": null,
                        "destination": "us-east-1-access",
                        "overwrite": false,
                        "restrict_version": false,
                        "architecture": null,
                        "destination": "us-east-2-access",
                        "overwrite": false,
                        "restrict_version": false,
                        "architecture": null,
                        "destination": "us-west-1-access",
                        "overwrite": false,
                        "restrict_version": false,
                        "architecture": null,
                        "destination": "us-west-2-access",
                        "overwrite": false,
                        "restrict_version": false,
                "provider": "AWS"
        "meta": {
            "description": "Provided by Red Hat, Inc.",
            "ena_support": true,
            "release": {
                "product": "RHEL",
                "type": "ga",
                "variant": "BaseOS"
            "root_device": "/dev/sda1",
            "sriov_net_support": "simple",
            "virtualization": "hvm",
            "volume": "gp3"